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Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network (CAHLN)

One Health Perspectives on Emerging Disease and Antimicrobial Resistance | June 7 - 9, 2021

Thank you for attending!

The CAHLN was created in 2002 to facilitate exchange of information on trends, techniques and research in the field of animal health diagnostics.  The conference brings together individuals from a broad range of disciplines including pathology, bacteriology, virology and molecular biology. In addition to the scientific program, this year’s virtual conference will offer an awards ceremony and networking session.


Registration is now closed!

Call for Abstract

The abstract submission deadline has now passed. Thank you for your interest and to all who submitted abstracts for CAHLN 2021.

Thanks to our 2021 generous sponsors

Thanks to our 2021 generous sponsors

Have questions?

Please email us at cahln-conference@ucalgary.ca

For any registration questions, please contact University of Calgary Accommodations & Events at conference@ucalgary.ca or call 403-220-2603