Aim 2

Due to the fact that conventional cell expansion methods do not allow for the production of clinically relevant quantities of human dermal stem cells, we have developed suspension bioreactors to expand multiple stem cell types.

Suspension bioreactors are superior to conventional cell expansion methods for several reasons:

  • They allow for scalable expansion of cells up to clinically relevant numbers
  • They promote homogeneous cell populations
  • Operational and labour costs can be reduced
  • Precise process monitoring and control can be achieved
  • They allow for the automation of many procedures to good manufacturing practice

Another core goal for this aim is to develop a 3D scaffold that can be applied beneath a split thickness skin graft to support survival and controlled differentiation of transplanted human dermal stem cells. This highly flexible, mechanically stable, porous, fibrous mat will provide a suitable 3D microenvironment for the cells to attach and proliferate which will support the formation of de novo skin tissue at the transplantation site. Prior to implantation, the 3D scaffold could be pre-seeded with cells or applied alone to allow for injection of cells into the split thickness skin graft at a later time.    

skp transplant
skp transplant 2