
Jean-Marie Denoix, DVM, Ph.D., Assoc. LA-ECVDI, DECVSMR (Equine), DACVSMR (Equine)
Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Equine Locomotor System Pathology and Rehabilitation, National Veterinary School, France
A horse physiotherapist of international repute and renowned leader in equine anatomy and imaging, Dr. Jean-Marie Denoix has mentored many around the world throughout his career.
Born in France in 1954, Dr. Denoix grew up helping his father on commercial fishing boats off the coast of Normandy while he finished his education. He studied anatomy and veterinary medicine, graduating from veterinary school in Lyons in 1977. Professor Denoix went on to study anatomy, imaging, and biomechanics, lecturing extensively on these subjects in 30 countries. Dr. Denoix is Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Equine Locomotor System Pathology and Rehabilitation at the National Veterinary School in France, an ACVSMR Diplomate and Founding Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation. He has pioneered some of equine medicine’s most innovative techniques in imaging, particularly ultrasound, and has communicated this new information via numerous lectures, books and more than 40 peer-reviewed publications.
Dr. Denoix has donated his time to being the imaging specialist at two World Equestrian Games to further the welfare of the horse in sport. He has worked with multiple farrier organizations to help farriers better understand the anatomy and biomechanics of the equine hoof. His functional anatomy books have helped veterinarians and veterinary students understand the anatomy of the foot and entire horse in a level of detail and comprehension not accomplished previously. Through his work with the International Society for Equine Locomotor Pathology, he has taught in concentrated three-day blocks to 10,000 veterinarians around the world, furthering their clinical abilities.
Dr. Denoix has been a principal figure in the advancement of equine musculoskeletal diagnostics. His vast knowledge of equine anatomy coupled with his enthusiasm for diagnostic imaging, particularly ultrasound, has opened new doors for understanding pathophysiology of equine musculoskeletal disorders. Through his teaching and publications, he has enabled practitioners throughout the world to practice an advanced level of diagnostic medicine not previously thought possible.
"Utrasonographic hotspots : Suspensory ligament, Stifle, Caudal neck"
News hour Speakers
New this year: News hour session with summary of the most impactful papers in equine research this year.
Speakers to Be Announced Soon!