Goal 1
Promote diversity and intercultural capacity within our community
Supporting diversity and multiculturalism is already an important part of UCVM. Although our DVM students are exclusively from Alberta, we demonstrate diversity in all other aspects of our UCVM community, from faculty and staff to graduate students and postdoctoral trainees. Increasing diversity in our graduate student population and postdoctoral community substantially advances diversity in classrooms and laboratories and promotes intercultural competence. Since diversity and intercultural competence are interrelated, these two important aspects of global engagement will be addressed under the same goal.
- Continue recruiting top quality international graduate students and postdoctoral trainees (PDFs).
- Promote and support visits of undergraduate and graduate students and researchers from abroad.
- Create internally or externally funded opportunities for faculty, students and PDFs to gain experience abroad.
- Coordinate support services available to international trainees from various university resources.
- Enhance opportunities for the UCVM community for internationalization at home.