Global Engagement Opportunities


You are invited to participate in the School of Veterinary Medicine 4th Symposium 2022, University of Surrey, UK on the 6th & 7th of July

Where? at SVM Lecture theatres and Online

There will be a Surrey-Calgary session on the 6th of July to promote for collaborations, interactions and networking..

If you are interested to attend, please sign up with your details via this form and submit your abstracts.

The abstract submission is now open

Deadline: 15th of June 2022

We welcome submissions from academics, teaching fellows, research fellows, PGRs and undergraduate researchers. So, don't be shy! 

Submission categories are:

5 min talks: these can be for discussing current and/or new projects, ideas, techniques, troubleshooting or even asking for building a collaboration

15 min talks: for discussing research- or pedagogy-focused findings  

Posters: those can be online

Please fill in the attached abstract form and sent it to by the 15th of June 2022 as detailed in the form.

So, join SVM in celebrating our innovative and collaborative research, and strengthen our research culture even more..

If you have any further inquiries please don't hesitate to email


SVM symposium organising committee
Marwa, Diane, Joy, Mia, Rahme & Chimsom