About the Anderson-Chisholm Chair in Animal Care and Welfare
Established in 2014 by Jack Anderson & his daughter Wynne Chisholm, with extensive implications for science, outreach, and education.
The position has been held by Dr. Ed Pajor since inception.

3 Principle Goals
Generate and assist industry in the application of, new, science-based animal care and welfare knowledge
Engage in independent and collaborative research that captures the strength and breadth of expertise in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Generate unique learning opportunities for veterinary students and support the training of experts in animal care and welfare
Chair Activities
In addition to research projects and people, the Anderson-Chisholm Chair is involved in a variety of roles to support the goals of this position.
- University of Calgary Courses
- VetMed 322 - Animal Behaviour and Welfare (primary instructor until 2020)
- VetMed 520 - Advanced Health Management, 2011-2018
- ENG 523 - guest lecture 2023
- VETM 690 Graduate Course - Beef, 2017
- CNST 451 The Culture of the Calgary Stampede, 2017
- VETM 323 Animals, Health & Society, 2012-2017
- VETM 690 Graduate Course - Pain, 2016
- Other Teaching Engagements
- University of British Columbia, Behaviour and Welfare, 2017-2018
- Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Behaviour and Welfare, 2010-2015
Calgary Stampede Ask the Vet - Dr Pajor
Calgary Stampede Ask the Vet - Drs Pajor and Pearson
How to donate a cattle ranch, and what you do with it when you get it
Moo-ve on over, there’s an exciting new solar project in town
Stampede like a giant outdoor classroom for vet med students
How do bucking bulls really feel about rodeos (one of the most read research articles in 2022)
Stamps of food approval like certified humane show food marking is a big deal
- Bovine welfare and cattle comfort, World Buiatrics Congress , Sapporo, Japan, August, 2018, Keynote
- Bovine welfare. AFAC, March 2018.
- Painful procedures in cattle and pigs, AVMA convention, Indianapolis, July, 2017,
- The welfare of animals in rodeo: initial studies , AVMA Convention, Indianapolis , July 2017
- Assessing animal welfare: you be the judge, AVMA convention, Indianapolis , July 2017,
- Animal Welfare in the Context of Social Sustainability, AVMA convention, Indianapolis, July 2017
- Effects of farm Size on Animal Welfare, AVMA convention, Indianapolis, July, 2017
- Animal Welfare and its importance to your brand, Ed Pajor, Canadian Angus Convention, Brandon, 2017 June
- Moving animal welfare forward: Drivers of change and the role of research, Ed Pajor, Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare Research Symposium, Guelph, Ontario, 2017 May, Keynote
- Rodeo Showcase: Animal welfare at the Calgary Stampede, Ed Pajor, AFAC Livestock Care Conference, Leduc, Alberta, 2017 March
- Beef Cattle Welfare: Theory, Practice, and Future Directions, Ed Pajor, Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 2017 February
- How animal welfare is shaping veterinary careers, Ed Pajor, Student Veterinary Medicine Conference , Calgary, 2017 January
- Future Drivers of Animal Welfare, Ed Pajor, Michigan Veterinary Medicine Conference, East Lansing, MI, 2016 November
- Animal Welfare at the Calgary Stampede, Michigan Veterinary Medicine Conference, East Lansing Michigan, 2016 November
- Animal Welfare: the new social ethic, future drivers, and what it means to lamb producers, Ed Pajor, Alberta Lamb Producers, Lethbridge, Alberta, 2016 January
- Cattle Behaviour and Handling, Ed Pajor, Central Canadian Veterinary Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2016 February
- Future Drivers of Animal Welfare, Ed Pajor, Central Canadian Veterinary Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2016 February
- Drivers of change in animal welfare research: implications for other agricultural scientists., Ed Pajor, Genome Canada, Calgary, 2016 June
- Drivers for improving farm animal welfare, Ed Pajor, Canadian Federation of Humane Societies: National Animal Welfare Conference, Toronto, 2016 April
- Drivers for improving farm animal welfare: is the US ready?, Ed Pajor, Purdue Centre for Animal Welfare Science Conference, West Lafayette, IN, 2016 May
- Defining normal behaviour and measuring animal welfare in the field, Ed Pajor, International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Manhattan, Kansas, 2016 June
- Research update: Beef Cattle Welfare Research, Ed Pajor, International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Manhattan, Kansas, 2016 June
- Exploring Contemporary Issues in Animal Welfare: Animals in Entertainment and Recreation, Ed Pajor, Canadian Veterinary Medicine Associations, Calgary, 2015 July, Invited
- Animal welfare and genomics, Ed Pajor, CAPI Forum on Canada's Agri-Food Future, Ottawa, 2015 November
- Pajor, E.A., 2015. Animals in Entertainment: Exploring Contemporary Issues in Animal Welfare. CVMA convention. July, Calgary.
- Pajor, E.A., 2015. Does animal welfare really matter? Recent developments that could impact your bottom line. UCVM Beef Conference, June, Calgary.
- Pajor, E.A., 2015. What are the possible drivers for improving animal well-being? 8th Boehringer Ingelheim Expert Forum on Farm Animal Well-Being. June, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.
- Pajor, E.A. 2015. How are we going to get there? Animal Welfare in the Supply Chain—What You Need to Know. The Sustainability Consortium Summit. April. Washington, DC. April.
- Pajor, E.A. 2015. Pain Mitigation, Why is it important? Antimicrobial stewardship and pain mitigation in livestock: Current Developments. January 27, Olds, Alberta
- JBS Animal Welfare Committee
- McDonald's Global Animal Welfare Committee
- Albertson's Companies
- Calgary Stampede Animal Care Advisory Panel
- A&W Animal Welfare Leadership Council
- Kraft Heinz Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
- Smithfield Foods' Animal Welfare Advisory Panel
- Director, W.A. Ranches at the University of Calgary, 2019-present
- Committees
- Co-lead of new international animal welfare assessment model for retailers
- University of Calgary Excellence Chairs Committee, 2023
- UCVM Admissions essay reader, 2023
- Vice President of Research User Advisory Committee, University of Calgary, 2022-present
- National Beef Extension Network (Canada), 2021-present
- Vice Chair of Rural Development Network - University of Calgary Representatitve, 2021-present
- COVID-19 Animal Care and Use Committee, 2020-present
- Chair - W.A. Ranches Academic, Research, Operations Committee, 2019-present
- UCVM Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2021-2023
- UCVM Research and Scholarship Leave Committee, 2022
- UCVM Co-Chair Search and Selection Committee - W.A. Ranches Ethologist
- Alberta Farm Animal Care - UCVM Representative, 2017-present
- UCVM Chair - Thesis Examining Committees, 2010-present
- UCVM Chair - Candidacy Examining Committees, 2010-present
- UCVM Beef Conference Committee, 2010-present
- USDA NIFA Grant panel, 2019
- UCVM Faculty Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2017-2019
- UCVM Admissions Committee, 2017-2019
- UCVM Faculty Lead - OneHealth Implementation Committee, 2017-2019
- UCVM Faculty Lead - Internationalization Implementation Committee, 2017-2019
- Chair Scientific Committee of International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, 2018
- Canadian Council on Animal Care, Panel Chair Site visit, 2017
- Canadian Council on Animal Care, Member visit, 2017
- UCVM Strategic Planning Committee, 2016-2017
- UCVM Scholarship Fellowship Review Committee, 2010-2017
- Scientific Committee of International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, 2014-2016
- Ad-hoc Reviewer, 2000-present
- Acta Veterinary Brno
- Applied Animal Behaviour Science
- Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
- Journal of Dairy Science
- Physiology and Behavior
- Swine Health and Production
- The Pig Journal
- Canadian Journal of Animal Science
- Journal of Animal Science
- Journal of Veterinary Behavior Clinical Applications and Research
- United States Department of Agriculture, National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. Section: Animal Health and Well-Being.
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Federal Competitive Grant Program.
- Professional Associations
- International Society for Applied Ethology, 1986-present
- American Society of Animal Science
- Gamsjaeger, L., Jennifer Pearson, Elizabeth Homerosky, Ed Pajor, Claire Windeyer. 2019. Factors influencing IgG concentration in colostrum and evaluation of the Brix refractometer for on-farm assessment of colostrum quality. Canadian Beef Industry Conference, August, 2019.
- Melendez, D., S Marti, E Pajor, D Gellatly, E Janzen, K Schwartzkopf-Genswein, PSIX-13 Effect of oral or subcutaneous meloxicam on indicators of pain after knife castration in weaned beef calves., Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue suppl_3, December 2018, Pages 11–12, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.026
- Marti, S., E Janzen, E Pajor, K Orsel, M Jelinski, C Dorin, D Thomson, J Coetzee, J Shearer, S Millman, K Schwartzkopf-Genswein, 228 Relationship between biomarkers of stress, inflammation and pain, and lameness in feedlot cattle., Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue suppl_3, December 2018, Page 9, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.020
- Pearson, JM, Pajor, EA, Campbell, JR, Caulkett, NA, Levy, M, Windeyer, MC. Investigating risk factors associated with passive immunity, health, and growth and the effects of administering a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to beef calves assisted at birth. AABP Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona, September 2018.
- Pearson, JM, Pajor, EA, Campbell, JR, Caulkett, NA, Levy, M, Windeyer, MC. Assessing the impacts of administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to beef calves after assisted calving on calf health and production. World Buiatrics Conference, Saporro, Japan. August 2018
- Pearson, JM, Pajor, EA, Campbell, JR, Caulkett, NA, Levy, M, Windeyer, MC. Risk factors associated with passive immunity, health, and growth and the impacts of administering a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to neonatal beef calves assisted at birth. University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beef Conference June 2018
- Pearson, JM, Pajor, EA, Campbell, JR, Caulkett, NA, Levy, M, Windeyer, MC. Administration of meloxicam to beef calves after assisted calving and its impact on pain, inflammation, health, and growth. University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Research Day. March 2018
- Davis-Unger, J., E Pajor, K Schwartzkopf-Genswein, S Marti, C Dorin, and K Orsel. Occurrence and economic impact of beef cattle lameness in Canadian feedlots. International symposium on lameness in ruminants, Munich, Germany, Sep 2017.
- Webster, A, Pearson, J, Pajor, E, Levy, M, Campbell, J, Caulkett, N, Boysen, S, Windeyer, C. Relationship between beef calf and dam serum L-lactate at varying degrees of calving difficulty. Canadian Beef Industry Conference, Calgary, AB. Aug 2017
- Kusler, A, Pearson, J, Pajor, E, Gurdita, A, Ungrin, M, Windeyer, C. Quantifying the forces applied to assisted calvings, and the impact on calf compromise in beef calves. Canadian Beef Industry Conference, Calgary, AB. Aug 2017
- Unger-Davis, J., E Pajor, K Schwartzkopf-Genswein, S Marti, C Dorin, E Spackman and K Orsel. Cost of lameness in feedlot cattle. UCVM Beef Cattle Health Conference, June 2017, Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Unger-Davis, J., E Pajor, K Schwartzkopf-Genswein, S Marti, C Dorin, E Spackman and K Orsel. Economic impact of beef cattle lameness in feedlot cattle. UCVM Beef Cattle Health Conference, June 2016, Calgary, AB, Canada. As well as Canadian Beef Industry Conference, Aug 2017, Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Webster, A, Pearson, J, Pajor, E, Levy, M, Campbell, J, Caulkett, N, Soren Boysen, S, Windeyer, C. Relationship between beef calf and dam serum L-lactate at varying degrees of calving difficulty. UCVM Beef Cattle Conference. Calgary, AB. Jun 2017
- Pearson, JM, Homerosky, ER, Pajor, EA, Caulkett, NA, Levy, M, Campbell, JR, Windeyer, MC. Quantifying the relationship between calving ease and physiological indicators of trauma and passive immunity in beef calves. UCVM Beef Cattle Conference. Calgary, AB. Jun 2017
- Heinrich, A., J.M. Pearson, M.C. Windeyer, E.A. Pajor. Prevalence, strategies and risk factors for mismothering and cross-fostering in Canadian Beef Cattle - Preliminary Results. Proceedings Canadian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. June 5th-6th 2017; Calgary, Alberta
- Heinrich, A., M.C. Windeyer, J.M. Pearson, E.A. Pajor. Prevalence, strategies and risk factors for mismothering and cross-fostering in Canadian Beef Cattle. Proceedings Canadian Beef Industry Conference. August 15th-17th 2017; Calgary, Alberta.
- Heinrich, A., M.C. Windeyer, E.A. Pajor. Patterns in Aspects of Maternal Behaviour in Beef Cattle Following Assisted Calving and Calf Treatment with Meloxicam or Placebo – Preliminary results. Proceedings UCVM Beef Cattle Conference. June 22nd-23rd 2017; Calgary, Alberta.
- Pearson, J.M., E.R. Homerosky, E.A. Pajor, M. Levy, J.R. Campbell, N.A. Caulkett, M.C. Windeyer. 2017. Quantifying the relationship between calving ease and physiological indicators of trauma in beef calves. Research Summaries. Proceedings 50th Annual American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 14th 2017; Omaha, Nebraska.
- Pearson, J.M., E.R. Homerosky, E.A. Pajor, M. Levy, J.R. Campbell, N.A. Caulkett, M.C. Windeyer.2017. The relationship of calving ease with trauma biomarkers and passive immunity in beef calves. Poster. Proceedings Canadian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. June 5th-6th 2017; Calgary, Alberta
- Pearson, J.M., E.R. Homerosky, E.A. Pajor, M. Levy, J.R. Campbell, N.A. Caulkett, M.C. Windeyer. 2017. Quantifying the relationship between calving ease and physiological indicators of trauma in beef calves. Poster. UCVM Beef Cattle Conference. June 20th-22nd 2017. Calgary, Alberta
- Pearson, J.M., E.R. Homerosky, E.A. Pajor, M. Levy, J.R. Campbell, N.A. Caulkett, M.C. Windeyer. 2017. Quantifying the relationship between calving ease and physiological indicators of trauma in beef calves. Poster session. 2nd Annual Canadian Beef Industry Conference. August 14th-16th 2017; Calgary, Alberta
- Pearson, J, Homerosky, ER, Caulkett, N, Levy, M, Campbell, J, Pajor, EA, Windeyer, C. The relationship of calving ease with trauma biomarkers and passive immunity in beef calves. Canadian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Conference. Calgary, AB. Jun 2017 (poster)
- Kusler, A, Pearson, J, Pajor, E, Gurdita, A, Ungrin, M, Windeyer, C. Quantifying the forces applied to assisted calvings, and the impact on calf compromise in beef calves. UCVM Beef Cattle Conference. Calgary, AB. Jun 2017
- Marti, S., D. M. Meléndez, E. D. Janzen, D. Gellatly, C. E. M. Heuston, E. A. Pajor and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Timing and frequency of antibiotic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration does not affect wound healing in recently weaned beef calves after band castration. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 12-12
- Marti, S., D. M. Meléndez, E. D. Janzen, D. Gellatly, C. E. M. Heuston, E. A. Pajor and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Effect of different surgical incisions and anesthesia methods on wound healing in recently weaned beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 5-
- Heuston, C. E. M. , A. Greter, N. Diether, M. Moggy, M. Jelinski, C. Windeyer, D. Moya, E. A. Pajor, E. D. Janzen and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Benchmarking indicators of compromised and unfit conditions in cattle arriving at auctions and abattoirs in Alberta. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 7
- Gellatly, D., S. Marti, D. M. Meléndez, D. Moya, E. D. Janzen, E. A. Pajor and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Meloxicam and temperament effects on growth performance and indicators of pain in knife or band castrated calves housed on pasture. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 6-6
- Meléndez, D. M.,, S. Marti, E. D. Janzen, D. Moya, D. Gellatly, E. A. Pajor and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Effect of subcutaneous meloxicam on indicators of acute pain and distress after castration and branding in 2-month-old beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 12-12
- Meléndez, D. M., S. Marti, E. D. Janzen, D. Moya, D. Gellatly, E. A. Pajor and K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2017. Effect of lidocaine and meloxicam on indicators of pain and distress after knife castration in weaned beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 2017 95: supplement4: 5a-6
- Marti, S., E. D. Janzen, K. Orsel, M. J. Jelinski, L. C. Dorin, E. Pajor, J. K. Shearer, S. T. Millman, J. F. Coetzee, D. U. Thomson, K. S. Schwartzkopf- Genswein, 2016. Risk factors associated with lameness severity in feedlot cattle., , J. Anim. Sci Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 5/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 99, E-Suppl. 1, September, Refereed
- Melendez, D. M. , Marti, S. , Janzen, E. D. , Moya, D. , Soares, D. R. , Pajor, E. A. , Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K. S. 2016 Assessment of acute pain during and after knife and band castration following a single dose of Meloxicam in 1-wk-old beef calves, J. Anim. Sci Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 5/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 99, E-Suppl. 1, September, Refereed
- Marti, S., Melendez, D., Janzen, E.D, Pajor, E., Moya, D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S.. 2015 Effect of surgical and band castration on indicators of chronic pain in 0-, 2-, and 4-month-old beef calves, , J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2, September, Refereed
- Marti, S., Wilde, R.E., Moya, D., Janzen, E.D., Jelinski, M.J., Dorin, C.L., Orsel, K., Pajor, E., Shearer, J., Millman, S.T., Coetzee, J.F., Thomson, D, Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S.. 2015. Infrared thermography as a tool to diagnose foot rot and digital dermatitis in feedlot cattle., J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2 831, 2015 September, Refereed
- Meléndez, D.M., Marti, S., Janzen, E.D, Moya, D., Pajor, E., Schwartzkopf, K.S., 2015. Assessment of acute pain during and after knife and band castration of beef calves at three different industry-relevant ages. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2 831, 2015 September. Refereed
- Murray, C.F., L.J. Fick, E.A. Pajor, H.W. Barkema, M. Jelinski, M. C.Windeyer. 2015. Calf management practices and associations with herd-level morbidity and mortality on beef cow-calf operations in Western Canada. ISVEE Nov3-7, Merida Mexico.
- Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence Award, 2021
- University of Calgary Peak Scholar Award, 2019
- Canadian Association of Bovine Veterinarians Metacam 20 Bovine Welfare Award, 2015
- Great Supervisor Award, University of Calgary, 2014
- Teaching Award for Curriculum Development, University of Calgary, 2014
- Knierim, U. and E.A. Pajor. Animal welfare, regulation, enforcement and incentives. In Appleby M.C. A. , J.A. Mench, and I.A. Olson. CABI, 3rd Ed, 2018
- Code of Practice for the care and handling of beef cattle: Review of scientific research on priority issues, National Farm Animal Care Council, Co-author Refereed