Cows and calves looking at something interesting off camera

Research Publications

Many publications are summarized in an infographic available at UCVM Beef Extension 


  • Camargo, V.A., Pajor, E.A., Bayat, S. and Pearson, J.M., 2024. Predicting main behaviors of beef bulls from accelerometer data: A machine learning framework. Smart Agricultural Technology, p.100683. doi: 10.1016/j.atech.2024.100683
  • Camargo, V.A., Pajor, E.A. and Pearson, J.M., 2024. 326 Relationship between activity and social interactions of beef bulls during the pre-breeding period and siring capacity in multi-sire breeding groups. Journal of Animal Science102(Supplement_3):10-11. doi: 10.1093/jas/skae234.011
  • Farghal, M, E Pajor, SPL Luna, D Pang, Windeyer, C., and M.C. Ceballos. 2024. Development of the Calf Grimace Scale for Pain and Stress Assessment in Castrated Angus Beef Calves. Scientific Reports 14.
  • Goldhawk, C, C Adams, and E Pajor. 2024. “Caring for Calves: Canadian Public Perspectives of Calf Handling Methods during Spring Processing.” Frontiers in Animal Science 19.
  • Goldhawk, C., Adams, C. and Pajor, E.A., 2024. 263 Public perspectives of calf handling: A survey of Canadians. Journal of Animal Science, 102(Supplement_3):93-94. doi: 10.1093/jas/skae234.107
  • Goldhawk, C., Orsel, K. and Pajor, E.A., 2024. PSII-1 Weaning as prenatal stress: preliminary study on indicators of calf resiliency. Journal of Animal Science, 102(Supplement_3):433-434. doi: 10.1093/jas/skae234.491
  • Lucio, C., Windeyer, M.C., Larson, K., Pajor, E.A. and Pearson, J.M., 2024. Economic Analysis of Calving Assistance on Western Canadian Cow-Calf Operations. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics56(2):297-309. doi: 10.1017/aae.2024.12
  • Lucio, C., Windeyer, M. C., Pajor, E. A., Larson, K., & Pearson, J. M. (2024). The effects of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the behavioural and physiological parameters of beef cows and calves assisted at calving. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 273: 106217. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2024.106217
  • Mijar, S, F van der Meer, A Hodder, Pajor, E, and K. Orsel. 2024. Behavioral Activity Patterns but Not Hair Cortisol Concentrations Explain Steers’ Transition-Related Stress in the First 6 Wk in the Feedlot. Journal of Animal Science. 102
  • Van Soest, B. J., R. D. Matson, D. E. Santschi, T. F. Duffield, M. A. Steele, K. Orsel, E. A. Pajor, G. B. Penner, T. Mutsvangwa, and T. J. DeVries. 2024. Farm-level nutritional factors associated with milk production and milking behavior on Canadian farms with automated milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science. 107:4409-4425. doi: 10.3168/jds.2023-24355 
  • Van Soest, B.J., Matson, R.D., Santschi, D.E., Duffield, T.F., Steele, M.A., Orsel, K., Pajor, E.A., Penner, G.B., Mutsvangwa, T. and DeVries, T.J., 2024. Farm-level risk factors associated with increased milk β-hydroxybutyrate and hyperketolactia prevalence on farms with automated milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science. doi: 10.3168/jds.2024-24725
  • Waldbauer, M., Spackman, E., Barkema, H.W., Pajor, E.A., Knauss, S. and Orsel, K., 2024. Partial herd hoof trimming results in a higher economic net benefit than whole herd hoof trimming in dairy herds. Plos one19(4), p.e0301457. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301457


  • Buchan, MS, G Lhermie, S Mijar, E Pajor, and K. Orsel. 2023. Individual Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Disease Control and Welfare Practices in Dairy and Beef Cattle Production: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10.
  • Gamsjäger, Lisa, Deborah M. Haines, Michel Lévy, Edmond A. Pajor, John R. Campbell, and M. Claire Windeyer. 2023. Total and pathogen-specific serum Immunoglobulin G concentrations in neonatal beef calves, Part 1: Risk factors. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 220: 106026.
  • Gamsjäger, Lisa, Deborah M. Haines, Michel Lévy, Edmond A. Pajor, John R. Campbell, and M. Claire Windeyer. 2023. Total and Pathogen-Specific Serum Immunoglobulin G Concentrations in Neonatal Beef Calves, Part 2: Associations with Health and Growth. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 220:105993.
  • Hodder, A., Pajor, E., Van Der Meer, F., Louden, J., Thompson, S., Orsel, K., 2023. Feeding behaviour and activity of beef calves during the first week at the feedlot: Impact of calf source and commingling ratios. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 258: 105810.
  • McLellan, K., Windeyer, C., Rodriguez, C.L., Pajor, E. and Pearson, J., 2023. Cow and calf-level factors associated with nursing behaviours in beef cattle during the 24-hours following an assisted calving. In American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings (No. 56, pp. 219-219). doi: 10.21423/aabppro20238931
  • Mijar, S., Van Der Meer, F., Pajor, E., Hodder, A., Louden, J.M., Thompson, S., Orsel, K., 2023. Impacts of commingling preconditioned and auction-derived beef calves on bovine respiratory disease related morbidity, mortality, and weight gain. Front. Vet. Sci. 10, 1137078.
  • Rodriguez, C.L., Windeyer, M., Pajor, E., Larson, K. and Pearson, J., 2023. The effects of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on behavior and physiological parameters of beef cows and calves assisted at calving. In American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings, 56: 218-218. doi: 10.21423/aabppro20238930
  • Thomas, A, K Orsel, and E Pajor. 2023. Digital Dermatitis Affects Locomotion and Gait Traits of Beef Cattle in Feedlots. In American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings. Vol. 56.



  • Martin, M., Kleinhenz, M.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., Melendez, D., Marti, S., Pajor, E.A., Janzen, E.D., Coetzee, J., 2022. Characterizing the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of pain biomarkers in cattle using receiver operating characteristic curves. Journal of Dairy Science 105, 9853–9868.
  • Matson, R.D., King, M.T.M., Duffield, T.F., Santschi, D.E., Orsel, K., Pajor, E.A., Penner, G.B., Mutsvangwa, T., DeVries, T.J., 2022. Farm-level factors associated with lameness prevalence, productivity, and milk quality in farms with automated milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science 105, 793–806.
  • Thomas, A.D., Orsel, K., Cortés, J.A., Pajor, E.A., 2022. Objective determination and quantification of pain and inflammation associated with digital dermatitis in feedlot cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 253, 105684.
  • Thomas, A.D, Orsel, K., Pajor, E.A., 2022. Impact of digital dermatitis on locomotion and gait traits of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 100.
  • Thomas, A.D., Pajor, E.A., Caddey, B., Goldhawk, C., Martins, L., Orsel, K., 2022. An experimental model to induce digital dermatitis in beef calves. BMC Vet Res 18, 238.



  • Cortes, Julian Alberto, Hendrick, S., Janzen, E., Pajor, E.A., Orsel, K., 2021. Economic impact of digital dermatitis, foot rot, and bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. Translational Animal Science 5.
  • Cortes, J.A, Thomas, A., Hendrick, S., Janzen, E., Pajor, E.A., Orsel, K., 2021. Risk factors of digital dermatitis in feedlot cattle. Translational Animal Science 5.
  • Devani, K., Quinton, C.D., Archer, J.A., Santos, B.F.S., Martin‐Collado, D., Amer, P., Pajor, E.A., Orsel, K., Crowley, J.J., 2021. Estimation of economic value for efficiency and animal health and welfare traits, teat and udder structure, in Canadian Angus cattle. J Animal Breeding Genetics 138, 314–325.
  • Duplessis, M., Vasseur, E., Ferland, J., Pajor, E.A., DeVries, T.J., Pellerin, D., 2021. Performance perception of Canadian dairy producers when transitioning to an automatic milking system. JDS Communications 2, 212–216.
  • Gamsjäger, L., Elsohaby, I., Pearson, J.M., Levy, M., Pajor, E.A., Windeyer, M.C., 2021. Evaluation of 3 refractometers to determine transfer of passive immunity in neonatal beef calves. Veterinary Internal Medicne 35, 632–643.
  • Gamsjäger, L., Haines, D.M., Pajor, E.A., Lévy, M., Windeyer, M.C., 2021. Impact of volume, immunoglobulin G concentration, and feeding method of colostrum product on neonatal nursing behavior and transfer of passive immunity in beef calves. Animal 15, 100345.
  • Goldhawk, C., Grandin, T., Pajor, E., 2021. Effect of animal’s experience and rodeo procedures on behaviour of bucking horses at a large commercial rodeo in Canada. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 234.
  • Marti, S., Jelinski, M.D., Janzen, E.D., Jelinski, M.J., Dorin, C.L., Orsel, K., Pajor, E.A., Shearer, J., Millman, S.T., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2021. A prospective longitudinal study of risk factors associated with cattle lameness in southern Alberta feedlots. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 101, 647–654.
  • Matson, R.D., King, M.T.M., Duffield, T.F., Santschi, D.E., Orsel, K., Pajor, E.A., Penner, G.B., Mutsvangwa, T., DeVries, T.J., 2021. Benchmarking of farms with automated milking systems in Canada and associations with milk production and quality. Journal of Dairy Science 104, 7971–7983.
  • Thomas, A.D., Orsel, K., Cortés, J.A., Pajor, E.A., 2021. Impact of digital dermatitis on feedlot cattle behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 244.
  • Tokareva, M., Brown, J.A., Woodward, A., Pajor, E.A., Seddon, Y.M., 2021. Movement or more food? A comparison of motivation for exercise and food in stall-housed sows and gilts. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 240.
  • Tokareva, M., Brown, J.A., Woodward, A., Pajor, E.A., Seddon, Y.M., 2021. The influence of satiety on the motivation of stall-housed gestating sows to exit their stall. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 245.



  • Gamsjäger, L., Elsohaby, I., Pearson, J.M., Levy, M., Pajor, E.A., Haines, D.M., Windeyer, M.C., 2020. Assessment of Brix refractometry to estimate immunoglobulin G concentration in beef cow colostrum. Veterinary Internal Medicne 34, 1662–1673.
  • Pearson, J.M., Thomsen, C., Kusler, A., Pajor, E.A., Gurdita, A., Ungrin, M.D., Windeyer, M.C., 2020. Quantifying the Forces Applied During Manually and Mechanically Assisted Calvings in Beef Cattle. Front Vet Sci 7, 459.



  • Davis-Unger, J., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S.G., Pajor, E.A., Hendrick, S., Marti, S., Dorin, C., Orsel, K., 2019. Prevalence and lameness-associated risk factors in Alberta feedlot cattle. Translational Animal Science 3, 595–606.
  • Marti, S., Meléndez, D.M., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2019. Effect of a single dose of subcutaneous meloxicam before knife castration alone or combined with hot-iron branding on scrotal healing, inflammatory response, and behaviour in 2-mo-old beef calves over 42 d post procedure. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 99, 179–190.



  • Marti, S., Meléndez, D.M., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2018. Effect of a single dose of subcutaneous meloxicam prior to band or knife castration in 1-wk-old beef calves: II. Inflammatory response and healing1. Journal of Animal Science 96, 4136–4148.
  • Meléndez, D.M., Marti, S., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2018. Effect of subcutaneous meloxicam on indicators of acute pain and distress after castration and branding in 2-mo-old beef calves1,2. Journal of Animal Science 96, 3606–3621.
  • Hancock, T.M., Caulkett, N.A., Pajor, E.A., Grenwich, L., 2018. An investigation of the effects of intratesticular alfaxalone and lidocaine during castration in piglets. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 45, 858–864.



  • Davis-Unger, J., Pajor, E.A., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K., Marti, S., Dorin, C., Spackman, E., Orsel, K., 2017. Economic impacts of lameness in feedlot cattle1. Translational Animal Science 1, 467–479.
  • Greco-Otto, P., Massie, S., Shields, E., Roy, M.-F., Pajor, E., Léguillette, R., 2017. High intensity, short duration pulling in heavy horses: physiological effects of competition and rapid weight change. BMC Vet Res 13, 317.
  • Heuston, C.E.M., Greter, A., Diether, N., Moggy, M., Jelinski, M., Windeyer, C., Moya, D., Pajor, E.A., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. 014 Benchmarking indicators of compromised and unfit conditions in cattle arriving at auctions and abattoirs in Alberta. Journal of Animal Science 95, 7–8.
  • Homerosky, E.R., Caulkett, N.A., Timsit, E., Pajor, E.A., Kastelic, J.P., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Clinical indicators of blood gas disturbances, elevated L-lactate concentration and other abnormal blood parameters in newborn beef calves. The Veterinary Journal 219, 49–57.
  • Homerosky, E.R., Timsit, E., Pajor, E.A., Kastelic, J.P., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Predictors and impacts of colostrum consumption by 4h after birth in newborn beef calves. The Veterinary Journal 228, 1–6.
  • Lord, L.K., Millman, S.T., Carbone, L., Cook, N., Fisher, A., McKeegan, D., Morton, D., Pajor, E., Peralta, J.M., Robertson, S.A., Siegford, J., Egrie, P.G., Mashima, T.Y., Turner, P.V., Golab, G.C., Patterson-Kane, E., 2017. A model curriculum for the study of animal welfare in colleges and schools of veterinary medicine. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 250, 632–640.
  • Marti, S., Meléndez, D.M., Janzen, E.D., Gellatly, D., Heuston, C.E.M., Pajor, E.A., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. 010 Effect of different surgical incisions and anesthesia methods on wound healing in recently weaned beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 95, 5.
  • Marti, S., Meléndez, D.M., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Heuston, C.E.M., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. Effect of band and knife castration of beef calves on welfare indicators of pain at three relevant industry ages: II. Chronic pain1. Journal of Animal Science 95, 4367–4380.
  • Marti, Sonia, Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., Janzen, E.D., Meléndez, D.M., Gellatly, D., Pajor, E.A., 2017. Use of topical healing agents on scrotal wounds after surgical castration in weaned beef calves. Can Vet J 58, 1081–1085.
  • Meléndez, D.M., Marti, S., Janzen, E.D., Moya, D., Gellatly, D., Pajor, E.A., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. 023 Effect of subcutaneous meloxicam on indicators of acute pain and distress after castration and branding in 2-month-old beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 95, 12.
  • Meléndez, D.M., Marti, S., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. Effect of timing of subcutaneous meloxicam administration on indicators of pain after knife castration of weaned calves1. Journal of Animal Science 95, 5218–5229.
  • Meléndez, D.M., Marti, S., Pajor, E.A., Moya, D., Heuston, C.E.M., Gellatly, D., Janzen, E.D., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2017. Effect of band and knife castration of beef calves on welfare indicators of pain at three relevant industry ages: I. Acute pain1. Journal of Animal Science 95, 4352–4366.
  • Moggy, M., Pajor, E., Thurston, W., Parker, S., Greter, A., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K., Campbell, J., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Attitudes of western Canadian cow-calf producers towards the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle. Can Vet J 58, 1209–1211.
  • Moggy, M.A., Pajor, E.A., Thurston, W.E., Parker, S., Greter, A.M., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., Campbell, J.R., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Management practices associated with stress in cattle on western Canadian cow–calf operations: A mixed methods study1. Journal of Animal Science 95, 1836–1844.
  • Moggy, M.A., Pajor, E.A., Thurston, W.E., Parker, S., Greter, A.M., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., Campbell, J.R., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Management practices associated with pain in cattle on western Canadian cow–calf operations: A mixed methods study1. Journal of Animal Science 95, 958–969.
  • Pearson, J.M., Homerosky, E.R., Caulkett, N.A., Levy, M., Campbell, J.R., Pajor, E.A., Windeyer, M.C., 2017. Quantifying the relationship between calving ease and physiological indicators of trauma in beef calves. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings 187–187.



  • Goldhawk, C., Bond, G., Grandin, T., Pajor, E., 2016. Behaviour of bucking bulls prior to rodeo performances and relation to rodeo and human activities. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 181, 63–69.
  • Marti, S., Janzen, E.D., Orsel, K., Jelinski, M.J., Dorin, L.C., Pajor, E., Shearer, J.K., Millman, S.T., Coetzee, J.F., Thomson, D.U., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2016. 0083 Risk factors associated with lameness severity in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 94, 38–39.
  • Melendez, D.M., Marti, S., Janzen, E.D., Moya, D., Soares, D.R., Pajor, E.A., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2016. 0084 Assessment of acute pain during and after knife and band castration following a single dose of Meloxicam in 1-wk-old beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 94, 39.
  • Murray, C.F., Fick, L.J., Pajor, E.A., Barkema, H.W., Jelinski, M.D., Windeyer, M.C., 2016. Calf management practices and associations with herd-level morbidity and mortality on beef cow-calf operations. animal 10, 468–477.



  • Elmore, M.R.P., Elischer, M.F., Claeys, M.C., Pajor, E.A., 2015. The effects of different flooring types on the behavior, health, and welfare of finishing beef steers. J Anim Sci 93, 1258–1266.
  • Goldhawk, C., Janzen, E., González, L.A., Crowe, T., Kastelic, J., Kehler, C., Siemens, M., Ominski, K., Pajor, E., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., 2015. Trailer temperature and humidity during winter transport of cattle in Canada and evaluation of indicators used to assess the welfare of cull beef cows before and after transport1. Journal of Animal Science 93, 3639–3653.
  • Windeyer, M.C., Homerosky, E., Grover, M., Murray, C., Pajor, E.A., Lewis, R., Haines, D., 2015. Evaluation of digital Brix refractometry in assessing maternal colostrum quality and transfer of passive immunity in beef cattle. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings 201–202.
  • Wolfger, B., Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S., Barkema, H.W., Pajor, E.A., Levy, M., Orsel, K., 2015a. Feeding behavior as an early predictor of bovine respiratory disease in North American feedlot systems1. Journal of Animal Science 93, 377–385.
  • Wolfger, B., Timsit, E., Pajor, E.A., Cook, N., Barkema, H.W., Orsel, K., 2015b. Technical note: Accuracy of an ear tag-attached accelerometer to monitor rumination and feeding behavior in feedlot cattle1. Journal of Animal Science 93, 3164–3168.