Lab Members

Current Lab Members

Hermann Schaetzl (Schätzl)
Dr. Schaetzl is the scientific director of the UofC Prion-Virology Animal Facility, and Head of the Calgary Prion Research Unit.

Su Shim
Lab Manager

Yo-Ching (Ginny) Cheng
Research Assistant

Dr. Basant A Abdulrahman
Research Associate

Dr. Dalia H, Abdelaziz
Research Associate

Dr. Waqas Tahir
Postdoctoral Fellow

Simrika Thapa
Killam Pre-doctoral and Eyes High Doctoral Student

Cristobal Marrero Winkens
Ph.D. student

Dr. Lilian Oribhabor
DVM, Animal Health and Vet Technician

Bukola Alli
Animal Husbandry Technician
Former DVM, Co-op and Summer Students
Rohit Chandra , Co-op - B.Sc. Biology (UBC)
- Nicholas ( Nick) Kloostra, Co-op - B.Sc. Biochemistry (UBC)
- Alexandru Girlea, BSc (Hons)- Neuroscience
- Lauren Vankuppeveld, DVM student
- Hayley Cox and Tamia Duchesneau with Dr. Dalia H, Abdelaziz (KIRKNESS SCHOLARS)
- Cheng Ching ( May ) Ho, Co-op - B.Sc. Microbiology & Immunology (UBC)
- Ningzhi (Tony ) Gu, BSc (Hons) Neuroscience
- Justine Maybee, DVM student
- Naomi Adele Robak, DVM student
- Jenna Brandon , DVM Student
- Alexandru Girlea, BSc (Hons)- Neuroscience
Former Schaetzl lab members & their current affiliations
- Yuzury Taguchi MD, PhD, research associate/postdoc; now Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Nagasaki University, Japan
- Samspon Law, lab manager, now team manager UofC
- Manel Ben Aissa, Ph.D., postdoc, now Postdoc University of Chicago
- Shweta Sah, lab technician, now project manager UofC
- Amalia Rose, Coop student, now MSc student UBC
- Shikha Jain Ph.D., postdoc, now Assistant Professor, India
- Ai Tran, PhD, postdoc, now Postdoc UBC
- Shubha Jain , MSc student
- Missy Stuart, lab manager, now lab manager Jarvis lab/UW
- Ted John, reserach associate, now retired
- Fawn Pickard, lab technician, now UW
- Leah Kyle PhD, PhD student, now UW
- Shaihla Khan, MSc student, now PhD student UW
- Xiaotang Du, MSc student, now research associate UCSF Medical School
- Lauren Millett, MSc student, now medical school University of Washington, Seattle
- Arla Mistica, undergraduate, now MSc UW
- Nandini Chitoor, MSc student
- Benedikt Zacher PhD (visting student), now Genecenter Munich
- Silvia Lisa Ferrer, PhD (visiting student),now University of Crete, Greece
- Sabine Gilch PhD, MSc and PhD student/postdoc/group leader, now CRC and Assistant Professor, UofC
- Ina Vorberg, PhD, postdoc and group leader, now Associate Professor, DZNE Bonn, University of Bonn
- Carmen Krammer (Nussbaum-Krammer) PhD, MSc and PhD student, now group leader/PI, University of Heidelberg, Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH)
- Dieter Hoffmann MD, group leader, now Head Clinical Virology unit, TU Munich
- Gloria Lutzny PhD, MSc and PhD student, now Group Leader TUM
- Yasmine Aguib, PhD, MSc and PhD student, now scientific advisory staff of the President TU Munich
- Andi Heiseke PhD, MSc and PhD student, now patent laywer Munich
- Max Nunziante PhD, PhD student and postdoc, now biotech company Munich
- Christian Bach PhD, MSc and PhD student, now postdoc Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Sigrid Bulow MD, group leader, now group leader University of Regensburg
- Inge von Truchsess PhD, group leader, now Senior Instructor LGA Munich
- Fraziska Wopfner MD, group leader, now medical specialist
- Alexa Ertmer PhD, PhD student and postdoc, now self-employed
- Gunnar Kaiser-Schulz PhD, PhD student, now biotech company Germany
- Lars Gädtke PhD, postdoc, now postdoc Boehringer, Germany
- Andrea Grassmann PhD, master student, now postdoc DZNE Bonn
- Julia Hofmann PhD, master student, now postdoc MRC London
- Christopher Bruns PhD, PhD student, now biotech company Germany
- Martha Schneider PhD, MSc and PhD student, now postdoc Helmholtz Center Munich
- Claudia Diemer PhD, MSc and PhD student, now Scientist Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Bavaria
- Maurizio Ruiz-Hipp PhD, PhD student
- Kerstin Ackermann, lab technician
- Jochen Frueh, undergraduate, now PhD student TUM
- Hanna Wolf PhD, MSc student, now postdoc DZNE Bonn
- Theresa Schäffler (Bachhuber), MSc student, now PhD University of Tuebingen
- Kim Dietrich, lab technician, now Genecenter Munich
- Romina Rost, lab technician, now TUM
- Katja Gopienko, bachelor and master student, now self-employed
- Ann Katrin Felux, bachelor student
- Elke Maas, bachelor student
- Florian Schmidt, bachelor student
- Frauke Konig, bachelor student
- Heike Anders, bachelor student
- Melanie Eck, master student
- Tobias Wauer, master student
- Veronika Huber, master student
- Beate Hagl, master student
- Heike Sollner, master student
- Marlene Pulgar, master student
- Martina Muller, master student
- Jutith Seebach, lab technician
- Janine Quaas MD, MD student
- Claudia Kehler, lab technician, now DVM
- Hafner-Bratkovi? Ida PhD, visiting scientist, now group leader National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Glaucia Hajj PhD, visiting scientist, now group leader Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, São Paulo, Brazil
- Tamaki Kimura PhD, visiting scientist, now University of Sendai, Japan
- Sabine Gilch, lab manager
- Alexa Ertmer, PhD student
- Max Nunziante, PhD student
- Christian Spielhaupter PhD, PhD student, now biosafety officer Technical University of Munich
- Christine Banaschewski PhD, postdoc
- Stefka Stoyanova PhD, postdoc
- Marco Scelsi MD, MD student, now medical specialist
- Franziska Wopfner MD, MD student, now medical specialist
- Georg Weidenhofer MD, MD student, now medical specialist
- Ingo Westner MD, MD student, now manager Microsoft Germany
- Maria Oboznaya, visiting PhD student, now University of Moscow, Russia
- Xingsheng Hou, PhD student
- Emilia Sieger, lab technician