Assessment of Competence and Admissions

Assessment and feedback drive learning. However, in the teaching and learning cycle in a classroom we rarely close the loop between our teaching practices, our assessment practices and our feedback practices. Furthermore, assessment of student performance at the time of admissions and across a University program is typically fragmented; how a student does in one course is not linked to performance measures within another course.  This leads to potential confusion for the student regarding their performance and does not provide program coordinators/administrators with consistent information of how students are performing across the program.  Projects in this area are meant to address these gaps across the DVM curriculum and better in form our teaching, learning, and curricular decision-making practices.

  • Providing Meaningful Feedback for Student Learning: Creating a program of assessment for veterinary students in their clinical year.
  • Institution of sequential OSCEs and programmatic assessment in a Clinical Skills program

Read E, Brown A, Maxey C, Hecker KG. Comparing entrustment and competence: An exploratory look at performance-relevant information in the final year of a veterinary program. In Press. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education

Bok H, de Jong L, Maxey C, O’Neill T, Hecker KG. Validity evidence for programmatic assessment in competency based education. Perspectives in Medical Education. 2018 s7 (6) 362-372.

Hashizume C, Hecker KG, Myhre D, Bailey J, Lockyer J. Supporting veterinary preceptors in a distributed model of education: a faculty development needs assessment. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2016 43(1) 104-110.

Hashizume C, Myhre D, Hecker KG, Bailey J, Lockyer J. Exploring the teaching motivations, satisfaction, and challenges of veterinary preceptors: a qualitative study. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2016 43(1) 95-103

Read EK, Bell C, Rhind S, Hecker KG. The use of global rating scales for OSCEs in veterinary medicine. Plos One. 2015 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121000

Hecker K, Norris J, and Coe J.   Workplace Based Assessment in a primary care setting.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2012 39: 229-240 DOI: 10.3138/jvme.0612.054R

Hecker K, and Violato C.  An Analysis of a Veterinary School MMI:  How the number of interviewers, they type of interviewers and number of stations affect reliability. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2011 23: 331-336.DOI:10.1080/10401334.2011.611769

Hecker K, Read E, Vallevand A, Krebs G, Donszelman D, Freeman S, Muelling C. Assessment of 1st year veterinary student clinical skills using Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2010 37: 395-402.

Hecker K, Violato C. Using standardized essays in the veterinary medicine admissions process: are the ratings reliable and valid?  Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2010 37: 254-257

Hecker K, Donnon T, Fuentealba C, Hall D, Illanes O, Morck DW, Muelling C.  Assessment of Applicants to the Veterinary Curriculum using a Multiple Mini Interview Method.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2009 36(2): 166-173.