About Us

ungrin group

A growing lab (started in 2012), our research is built around microscale tissue engineering for both therapeutic and research applications, as well as the development of supporting technologies. It includes  tissue engineering / regenerative medicine, stem cell and developmental biology, experimental design, 3D printing / bioprinting as well as some recent forays into the development of supporting technologies for our veterinary clinical colleagues. Our philosophy is that by developing new supporting technologies and working with industry to make them widely available, we dramatically enhance the accessibility and relevance of our own research work. 

The lab is fully equipped, with new infrastructure supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, and operating support from CIHR, NSERC and others, and will be moving into a newly renovated open-concept lab space in the near future. We have numerous collaborations with experts in engineering, the human and animal clinic, statistics and bioinformatics to name a few.

Opportunities to interact with industry partners in various areas are expected as new supporting technologies are developed and transferred. Dr. Ungrin’s “AggreWell” microtissue-generation technology is an internationally successful commercial product, employed in hundreds of publications from around the world.

Our philosophy is that by developing new supporting technologies and working with industry to make them widely available, we dramatically enhance the accessibility and relevance of our own research work. Students may join University of Calgary’s Biomedical EngineeringVeterinary Medicine and Medical Science graduate programs. The Leaders in Medicine program may also be of interest for students planning a clinical career.


Mark Ungrin

Chief Researcher


Alberta Heritage Medical Research Building (HMRB)
Rooms: 431 | 431A | 431B
Foothills Campus, University of Calgary
3310 Hospital Dr NW
Calgary, AB T2N 4N1