Research Funding Opportunities
UCVM holds a 3 business day internal deadline in advance of a Research Services/UofC deadline for all funding applications; a 6 business day internal deadline in advance of an agency deadline.
Faculty Funding Opportunities
Updated - February 11, 2025
NSERC-Alberta Innovates Info Hour Sessions
Our next NSERC-Alberta Innovates Info Hour Session will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please register to attend.
Research Services has teamed up with NSERC and Alberta Innovates to offer virtual Info Hour sessions for researchers who intend to apply to or are already in the process of applying to the following grants:
- NSERC Alliance — Advantage, Society, International, and special calls and joint funding opportunities);
- NSERC-Alberta Innovates Joint Funding Opportunities — Advance Stream I (NSERC Discovery Grants), Advance Stream II (NSERC Alliance), and Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) Stream II.
Representatives from NSERC and Alberta Innovates and grants officers from UCalgary Research Services will be on hand to discuss the programs listed above and answer your questions. The sessions will be driven by topics of interest to the attendees. Topics include, but are not limited to, program guidelines, UCalgary application submission requirements, budgetary considerations, funding structure, and partner(s) eligibility. Research facilitators and research and support staff are also welcome.
Registrants are asked to join collectively at the beginning of the session (so far as schedules allow) and then exit the session as they choose.
For questions about the sessions, please contact Katie Cupello ( or Alisha Kadam ( in Research Services.
NSERC-Alberta Innovates Info Session Schedule (via Zoom)
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm: register
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm: register
Canada-France call for proposals on artificial intelligence
This call is a joint initiative between the French National Research Agency (ANR), and the three federal research funding agencies – the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), in collaboration with IVADO. The deadline to submit proposals is the end of March 2025; the exact date will be confirmed later.
**Upcoming webinar**
You are welcome to submit your questions about this call for proposals ahead of the information session via the registration links (see below).
English session: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025; 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET
Registration link:
The Canada-based Principal Applicant must be:
- A Canadian university researcher eligible to receive NSERC or SSHRC funds
- An independent researcher appointed at a CIHR eligible institution (see Institutional Eligibility Requirements for the eligibility process and associated timelines). In this case, at least one co-applicant on the Canadian team must meet NSERC’s eligibility criteria.
Award Amount & Duration: Up to CAN$120,000 per year over 2-3 years.
Application Deadline: March 2025 (exact date TBC)
Internal Deadline: March 2025 (exact date TBC)
Contact: Alisha Kadam
Schedule RMS Training before your application is due
The RMS team is pleased to offer regular training sessions for RMS (Research Management System). Proactive training in RMS is encouraged, particularly in advance of the Fall grant season. Training is open to new users and existing users looking for a refresher:
How to create an LOI/Application:
- Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 am – 11:30 am
- Every Thursday, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Email to schedule training for yourself or your team.
What is RMS?
RMS (Research Management System) manages the pre-award (LOI and Application) and post-award stages for research grants. Throughout the grants life-cycle, RMS interfaces with other UCalgary systems, such as IRISS and PeopleSoft, to provide a seamless process for grants and awards management, eliminate re-keying of data and heightened transparency into the status of applications at any time.
Learn more about RMS at
Morris Animal Foundation is seeking scientific experts in the animal health community to serve on our Animal Health Advisory Council (AHAC) and Scientific Advisory Boards, helping to select the best scientific projects to move veterinary medicine and wildlife health forward.
To learn more and apply to join, please visit our AHAC page. If you are interested in serving on a topic-specific board, please be sure to note that where prompted in the application.
Expertise needs change based on proposal topics and active grant review requirements. The Scientific Programs team continually queries the database and reaches out to members for potential roles when new opportunities arise.
The Research Community Digest is a quarterly communication designed to keep you, our UCalgary research community, informed about important updates and activities from the Office of the Vice-President (Research) and its portfolio of units.
Missed the first issue of the Research Community Digest? View it here.
Subscribe for frequent updates
Subscribe to receive weekly e-mails on funding opportunities
Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC)
On January 16, 2024 the Government of Canada announced its new policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC).
The policy will apply to all grant applications submitted to the federal granting agencies – the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – that involve research advancing a sensitive technology area.
The policy will apply to all federal granting calls announced on or after May 1, 2024.
Safeguarding your Research
If you have questions regarding the new STRAC (Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern) policy or the Risk Assessment Form required by Tri-Agencies, please visit the UCalgary Research Security SharePoint site. The Research Security team has created reference documents to help researchers with these new requirements as well as many other resources to safeguard your research.
20240528-Guide to Risk Assessment Form-v3 FINAL.pdf
20240501 - Complying with STRAC - A Guidebook for UCalgary Researchers - Final.pdf
New Research Security Services
The Research Security Division is here to help you safeguard your work from unwanted access, theft, and misuse. There are three teams to support you – Outreach & Education, Due Diligence, and Compliance & Special Investigations.
Reach out to for information about:
- Partner vetting and assessing sensitive research areas for risk
- Assistance with Risk Assessment Forms
- Personalized travel and security briefings
- Workshops and information sessions
- Guidance on controlled goods, export controls, and sanctions
- Guidance on new policy on Sensitive Technology Research & Affiliations of Concern
Visit the Research Security website for important policy updates and links to resources.
Access Research Security resources
Research Funding Alerts from Brain Canada Foundation
In the coming months, Brain Canada will be launching their first Social Innovation research program in Traumatic Brain Injury, with opportunities for health economics analysis, process analysis, evidence-based best practices based on current evidence, and other topics requiring skills and expertise beyond neuroscience. In the future, they may be launching more social innovation programs on different brain related topics.
Join Brain Canada’s mailing list and be among the first to receive email funding alerts by clicking here.
Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) — Accelerating Agricultural Innovations (AAI) 2.0
Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) is delivering Accelerating Agricultural Innovations (AAI) 2.0 under a Program Administrator Agreement with the Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (AGI). Sustainable CAP is a five-year, $3.5-billion investment by Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial governments that supports Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sectors. This includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment that is cost-shared 60 per cent federally and 40 per cent provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories.
RDAR invites eligible applicants to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) that support research projects that demonstrate and accelerate the farm-gate adoption of agricultural innovations and processes for the livestock and crop industries in Alberta. All AAI 2.0 research projects must: (i) contain a ‘Final Mile’ Plan, a clear research extension plan to show how research outcomes will reach Alberta’s producers on-farm, either directly or through ancillary service providers (e.g. veterinarians); and (ii) clearly demonstrate how results of the project will benefit producers and/or value-chain partners.
RDAR will accept Letters of Intent (LOIs) on a continual basis.
- Amount: There is no stated maximum; however, there are certain cost-sharing parameters.
- UCVM Internal Deadline: at least 6 business days (by noon) ahead of submission to RDAR
- RSO funding opportunity information
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Grant applications are now being accepted by the Government of Alberta for the Resiliency and Public Trust Program (Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation) which enables stakeholders to gain resiliency and build public trust in Alberta’s agriculture and agri-food sectors. Priority areas to increase resiliency and public trust include: animal health, animal welfare, biosecurity, food safety, livestock traceability, and more. Details can be found on their website Resiliency and Public Trust Program |
UCVM internal deadline: at least 6 business days prior to submission to GoA.
Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN) 2024 Open Competition
This program supports collaborative activities that will bridge the gap between the development of new innovations in agriculture and their adoption in the commercial space. CAAIN is seeking applications for research and innovation projects that: advance the development, use, and value of automation and robotics in agri-food production and primary processing; support the creation of data-based decision-making tools that can be applied to improve knowledge, reduce risk or optimize production; and/or contribute to the implementation of a smart farm platform or smart farm networks. All proposals must Be developing a digital technology or operating a Canadian smart farm focused on the production of a recognized agri-food product or addressing a specific Canadian agricultural challenge.
CAAIN will reimburse projects up to 40% of the Total Eligible Supported Expenses. Projects must include cash contributions from at least two small or medium enterprises (SMEs) incorporated in Canada. Financial contributions from governmental sources (including post-secondary institutions) and in-kind contributions are not eligible to match the CAAIN contribution.
The competition consists of three stages: (i) Project Application Form (PAF); (ii) Expression of Interest (EOI); and (iii) Full Project Proposal (FPP). Only the Full Project Proposal requires internal approvals collected via RMS and Research Services review.
CAAIN will accept early submissions of the PAF until August 9, 2024. Subsequent submissions will be accepted on a continuous basis thereafter.
- Amount: up to $3M per project; 1 year
- UCVM Internal Deadline for Full Project Proposal: at least 6 business days ahead of submission to CAAIN (at 12:00 pm)
- RSO funding opportunity posting
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Alberta Innovates Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) Grants
The Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) program leverages the research industry partnerships programs offered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Stream II is for applicants from Alberta Universities who are applying to, or have already been awarded, an NSERC Alliance Advantage grant or NSERC Alliance Quantum grant (in response to Call for proposals: Advancing the industrial readiness of quantum sensing technologies). CASBE aims to facilitate Alberta small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to adopt emerging technologies in Alberta’s research and commercialization priorities to diversify their technological services and/or products with the support of post-secondary institutions.
Individual proposals can request at up to $150,000 per year from Alberta Innovates, depending on the amount requested from NSERC. The maximum length of the CASBE funds will be 2 years regardless of the original length of the project supported by NSERC, which could be 1-5 years. There must be at least one Alberta SME included as a partner, and industry partner(s) are expected to provide cash and in-kind contributions.
This is a continuous intake program. We recommend that you apply first to NSERC Alliance and then, if successful, to AI CASBE; however, the option remains to apply first to AI and then NSERC.
- Amount: max. $150,000 per year (Alberta Innovates portion); max. 2 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline (full application): at least 6 business days before submission to Alberta Innovates
- RSO funding opportunity posting
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Alberta Innovates Advance Program Stream II (General – NSERC Alliance)
The Advance Program Stream II (General - NSERC Alliance) is a partnership between Alberta Innovates and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Project funding is intended to help bridge the gap between academic research and technology validation (within TRLs 2-4). Projects will advance an idea toward developing a technological solution with an envisioned future market opportunity.
PIs must hold an NSERC peer-reviewed grant when they apply and meet NSERC eligibility criteria when applying and when funding is released. PIs cannot hold more than one Advance Stream II (General) grant simultaneously, and only one application per PI is permitted per fiscal year. The 2024-2025 call targets the following four emerging technology areas: internet of things (IoT)/machine-to-machine systems; advanced data management and analytics; cybersecurity; and quantum computing. Partner organizations are not permitted in this program.
Advance Stream II is a joint funding opportunity between AI Advance and NSERC Alliance grants. The maximum amount is $150,000 per year for up to 2 years. AI will contribute a maximum of $100,000 per year. NSERC will match the AI contribution at a ratio of 50% to a maximum of $50,000 per year.
Stream II application inquiries (pre-intake stage) will be received on a continuous intake basis until application capacity for the current fiscal year has been reached.
- Amount: up to $150,000 per year; max. 2 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline for Intake Stage/LOI: at least 6 business days ahead of submission to Alberta Innovates (at 12:00 pm)
- RSO funding opportunity posting
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
The France-Canada Research Fund (FCRF) is launching a new funding program for 2025, entitled FCRF+, to support existing research partnerships between France and Canada.
The objective of the FFCR+ competition is to support France-Canada teams that have been successful in obtaining a previous FCRF grant and wish to continue their collaboration by setting up ambitious research projects, with a view to submitting joint applications to external calls for proposals (non-exhaustive list: Horizon Europe, the French Agence nationale de la recherche (National Research Agency), Canada’s three federal research funding agencies, NFRF – Exploration and Transformation streams).
Eligibility note: Both PIs must be former winners (selected anytime from 2001 to 2023) of the FCRF “New research collaboration program” competition. The application must be submitted by the FCRF winning duo.
Award amount and duration: CAD $5000 for 1 year. Please note that indirect costs are not eligible to be covered by these funds.
Application deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis from November 4 until April 11, 2025.
Please contact for further details.
Alberta Environment & Protected Areas Enhancing Environmental Sciences in Alberta Program
The Enhancing Environmental Science in Alberta (EESA) program aims to support new collaborative environmental science projects and build greater linkages between UCalgary's research programs and Alberta Environment and Protected Area's (EPA) policy, science, monitoring, and natural resource management programs. Grant applications must identify active collaboration with EPA staff. If you do not have active collaborations with EPA staff, please contact the Office of the Chief Scientist at and indicate the specific area of expertise you are seeking.
Project proposals must: a) show how they address one or more of EPA’s key priorities or mandates from the Premier’s letter to EPA; and b) identify an EPA collaborator. Key priorities include: fish, wildlife, and habitat management; water quality, quantity, and wetlands; and climate.
Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are eligible to apply with a faculty member as the Principal Investigator (PI).
- Amount: up to $75,000; up to 3 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline: February 27, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
- RSO funding opportunity posting
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Early Career Investigators in Alberta Research Grant
The CICF is offering two $30,000 grants to early career investigators in Alberta undertaking research in Critical Care.
The grant application form is available at, available to Alberta residents only. The application form and applicant CV must be included in the submission. Proposals are due to the agency by March 15, at 9:00am MST by email to the CICF office, care of Sally (, with the subject line “CICF Grant Application”.
Award amount and duration: $30,000, duration variable
UCVM Final Internal Deadline: March 6, 2025 at 12:00 PM MST
Agency Deadline: March 15, 2025 at 9:00am MST
Please contact for questions.
2024 Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research
RSO Reminder: Invited applications to the Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program are due in March 2025.
The purpose of this program is to accelerate novel and transformative research that will fundamentally change our understanding of nervous system function and dysfunction and their impact on health. The ultimate goal is to reduce the social and economic burden of neurological and mental health illnesses through prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment.
This Program encourages innovative, unorthodox, and exploratory research that may be in the early and conceptual stages of project development but has potential for significant impact on our understanding of the brain. The data generated will enable early-career researchers to apply for larger grants that will lead to long-term projects and create innovative and sustainable research programs.
Award amount and duration: $100,000 over two years.
UCVM Final Internal Deadline: March 6, 2025 at 12:00 PM MT
Agency Deadline: March 14, 2025 at 3:00 PM MT
Please contact for questions.
Weston Family Foundation – Rapid Response 2025 program
The Foundation through its Weston Brain Institute is pleased to announce the launch of our flagship Rapid Response program designed to provide seed funding to catalyze novel, high-risk, high-reward translational research that accelerates the development of therapeutics or tools for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.
Principle applicants must be: at or above the level of Assistant Professor; working in Canada at least 50% of the time; and affiliated with a Canada Revenue Agency-qualified donee institution located in Canada
The application process consists of two stages: Letters of Intent (LOIs) and Proposals. To apply, applicants must submit an RSO approved LOI to the Foundation. Selected applicants will then be invited to submit a Proposal. Please carefully observe the internal deadlines for institutional approval of LOIs and full proposals.
Both the LOI and Proposal must be completed and submitted through the Foundation's online grants management system. Note that indirect/overhead costs are not provided for this grant.
Award amount and duration: Up to $300,000 over 18-24 months
UCVM Final LOI Internal Deadline: March 10, 2025 - 12:00 PM
Agency LOI Deadline: March 18, 2025 - 12:00 PM
Please contact for questions.
Specialized Center of Research (SCOR)
LLS’s Specialized Center of Research (SCOR) grant program is intended to bring together established investigators from one or several institutions to develop a focused research program, foster new interactions and cooperation, and enhance interdisciplinary research among the participants. The overall goal of this mechanism is to enhance the development of innovative strategies for the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of hematological malignancies. Strategies that move discoveries from the bench to the clinic are of high importance as are integrated translational projects.
Applicants must hold a PhD, MD, DVM, or equivalent degree and must be affiliated with a non-profit Institution at the time funding commences and for the duration of the award. Applications may involve multiple institutions.
The maximum total award is $5,000,000. The maximum total annual award is $1,000,000 for each year of the five-year grant. The maximum annual indirect cost is $150,000 (15% of total annual costs). You may claim less than 15% indirect costs and apply those costs to the direct costs. The SCOR Director has the authority to budget these funds among the various Projects and Cores.
UCVM final internal review deadline: March 21, 2025 - 12:00 PM
Program application deadline: March 31, 2025 - 1:00 PM
Please contact for further information.
NSERC 2025 Idea to Innovation Grants – March Intake
The objective of Idea to Innovation (I2I) grants is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector, and to promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company. I2I grants provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential. This is achieved through defined phases by providing crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.
Award amount and duration: Variable by phase
UCVM Final Internal Deadline: March 21, 2025
Agency Deadline: March 31, 2025
Please contact for questions.
Agriculture Funding Consortium — Research & Innovation 2025-2026 Call for Proposals
The Agriculture Funding Consortium (AFC) is a voluntary body that has no legal standing and is comprised of a number of organizations, each of which is responsible for establishing its own research and innovation priorities and investment mandate. Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) and Alberta Innovates are among the AFC member organizations.
The purpose of the AFC is a collaborative one-window approach to coordinate the application, review and funding process for proposed agriculture and food research and innovation projects and stimulate private/public sector participation in Alberta’s agriculture and the food industry.
There is a two-stage application process consisting of a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Full Proposal, which is by invitation only. Potential applicants should review the current research priorities of the AFC members to determine project suitability.
Webinar: February 21, 2025, 8:30 a.m. (MT), register here
- Amount: varies
- UCVM Internal Deadline – Letter of Intent: March 24, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
- NOTE: if you would like your LOI to be reviewed, please contact Brenda Moore in the UCVM Research Office prior to submitting in RMS for internal approvals.
- RSO funding opportunity posting
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Leukemia Research Foundation - New Investigator Research Grant Program
Our New Investigator Research Grant Program supports early-career investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to impact broad, essential areas of leukemia research. For the program to support the best and brightest minds, applications are sought from investigators who reflect the full diversity of the research workforce and represent diverse backgrounds, institutions, and geographic locations. Grants of up to $150K are awarded over a two-year period to new investigators -- researchers within seven years of their first independent faculty-level position.
Award amount and duration: $150,000 over a two year period. Note: Indirect costs are not supported.
UCVM Internal Deadline: April 15, 2025 - 12:00 PM
Agency Deadline: April 25, 2025 - 11:00 AM
Please contact for further details.
Transdisciplinary Connector Grants
This new program is designed to promote initiatives that enable UCalgary teams to explore questions, challenges and opportunities that demand a transdisciplinary approach. Connector funding s distinguished from other forms of support such as start-up or bridge funding by its focus on fostering new connections among scholars, trainees, and external partners.
Transdisciplinary Connector Grants are offered in two streams – Initiating and Consolidating.
Value: Initiating stream: up to $10,000 Consolidating stream: up to $20,000
Duration: Initiating stream: 6 months Consolidating stream: 12 months
see terms of reference for more information
Recurring annually on:
- June 1 (UCVM internal deadline: noon on May 27, 2025)
- October 1
- February 1
**NOTE: UCVM deadline is 3 business days prior to the above RSO deadlines.**
VPR Catalyst Grants
UCalgary's internal VPR Catalyst Grants program asks researchers to think boldly and strategically to maximize the impact of downstream funding.
VPR Catalyst Grants will prioritize those who present a winning research context, including aspects such as mentorship, strong collaborators, and knowledge engagement partnerships.
- Designed to catalyze research initiatives that will lead to substantial external funding
- Intended to support early-stage research activities
- Value: $1,000 - $15,000
- Duration: Catalyst funds should be used within 6 months
- Deadlines: 3 intake dates per year (NOTE: UCVM internal deadline is 3 Business Days before the RSO intake deadline dates)
Recurring annually on:
- June 1 (UCVM Deadline: noon on May 27, 2025)
- October 1
- June 1
For questions and more information about Catalyst Grants, please contact
Team Grant: Bringing Biology to Cancer Prevention
The Team Grants: Bringing Biology to Cancer Prevention aims to unite interdisciplinary research teams to advance the biological and mechanistic understanding of cancer etiology, genesis, and risk, linked with host, lifestyle, environmental, social, and other factors, to identify new targets and approaches for cancer prevention, risk reduction, and early detection. Collaborations between traditional cancer prevention researchers (e.g., population and public health researchers, epidemiologists, social scientists) and those from other disciplines (e.g., biologists, immunologists, geneticists, drug developers) or who are new to the field are strongly encouraged. Collectively, these research teams will develop and disseminate evidence-based solutions to enable improvements in cancer prevention, risk reduction, and early detection at the individual and/or population-level.
- Registration: due directly to CIHR via ResearchNet on April 1, 2025
- Full application: UCVM Internal Deadline is 12 p.m. noon on June 11, 2025
CIHR will be hosting a webinar to support interested applicants with the requirements of this funding opportunity and to answer questions related to the application process.
When: January 29, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. MT | Register
When: February 5, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. MT | Register
Duration: 90 minutes
Team Grant: ERDERA Joint Transnational Call 2025
CIHR-IG is pleased to be partnering with approximately 34 international funding organizations in the context of this European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2025. CIHR-IG is committed to expanding and improving the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases by creating the conditions needed to bring together creative, dynamic, interdisciplinary teams of researchers from across Canada and the European Community (EC) to collaborate for better health outcome for the rare disease patient community.
The topic of the call is pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation.
Projects should focus on a group of rare diseases or on a single rare disease if there is no valid rationale/evidence for the benefit of grouping diseases. If focusing on a single rare disease, applicants must clearly specify why working on a group of rare diseases is not appropriate. The classification of rare diseases follows the European definition, i.e. a disease affecting not more than five in 10,000 persons in the European Community, EC associated states, and Canada.
The application process for this funding opportunity is comprised of four (4) steps for Canada-based applicants: 1a) Pre-Proposal to ERDERA; 1b) Pre-Proposal to CIHR; 2a) Full Proposal to ERDERA; and 2b) Full Proposal to CIHR.
- Pre-proposal: RSO Internal Deadline is 12 p.m. February 14, 2025
- Full application: UCVM Internal Deadline is 12 p.m. noon on July 8, 2025
Contact: Lindsey Hritzuk
Alberta Innovates Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) Grants
The Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) program leverages the research industry partnerships programs offered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Stream II is for applicants from Alberta Universities who are applying to, or have already been awarded, NSERC Alliance or NSERC Alliance Quantum grants. CASBE aims to facilitate Alberta small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to adopt emerging technologies in Alberta’s research and commercialization priorities to diversify their technological services and/or products with the support of post-secondary institutions.
Individual proposals can request at least $20,000 and up to $150,000 per year from Alberta Innovates and at least $20,000 per year from NSERC. The maximum length of the CASBE funds will be 2 years regardless of the original length of the project supported by NSERC, which could be 1-5 years. There must be at least one Alberta SME included as a partner, and industry partner(s) are expected to provide cash and in-kind contributions.
This is a continuous intake program. Alberta Innovates and NSERC recommend that the applicant applies first to the CASBE program and then, if recommended, submit the completed AI CASBE–NSERC joint application to NSERC for funding consideration. Researchers who have received Alliance or Alliance Quantum awards in the previous 12 months are eligible to apply to the CASBE program.
- Amount: $20,000-$150,000 per year (Alberta Innovates portion); max. 2 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline (full application): at least 6 business days before submission to Alberta Innovates
- RSO funding opportunity information
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Alberta Innovates Advance Program Stream II (General - NSERC Alliance)
The Advance Stream II (General - NSERC Alliance) program is a partnership between Alberta Innovates and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Project funding is intended to help bridge the gap between academic research and technology validation (within TRLs 2-4). Projects will advance an idea toward developing a technological solution with an envisioned future market opportunity.
PIs must hold an NSERC peer-reviewed grant when they apply and meet NSERC eligibility criteria when applying and when funding is released. PIs cannot hold more than one Advance Stream II (General) grant simultaneously, and only one application per PI is permitted per fiscal year. The 2023-2024 call targets the following four emerging technology areas: internet of things (IoT)/machine-to-machine systems; advanced data management and analytics; cybersecurity; and quantum computing.
Advance Stream II is a joint funding opportunity between AI Advance and NSERC Alliance grants. The maximum amount is $150,000 per year for up to 2 years. AI will contribute a maximum of $100,000 per year. NSERC will match the AI contribution at a ratio of 50% to a maximum of $50,000 per year.
This is a continuous intake program. Applications are reviewed and evaluated until the annual budget is allocated.
RSO has created a flowchart for the application submission process. This resource is available online using the following link:
- Amount: up to $150,000 per year; max. 2 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline (full application): at least 6 business days before submission to Alberta Innovates
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Genome Canada is launching a targeted genomic initiative, Genomic Monitoring of Pathogens in Water (GeMPaW) to strengthen, complement and add value to existing pathogen monitoring efforts in Canada. There is $10M available from Genome Canada to support three GeMPaW funding opportunities including the Community Coordination and Collaboration Hub (C3 Hub), regional monitoring projects, and Indigenous-led monitoring in northern, remote or isolated communities. More information can be found here.
NOTE: UCVM internal deadline is 6 business days prior to agency deadlines.
ASPCA Open-Access Publishing Fund (OAPF)
The ASPCA is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to support research that advances animal welfare. The ASPCA Open-Access Publishing Fund (OAPF) is designed to support the dissemination of results of innovative and impactful animal welfare research. The program will subsidize article processing charges for selected articles, up to $5,000 per article. OAPF funds apply to publication and processing fees for open-access, scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
The ASPCA invites applications from any field, as long as the research has direct and compelling relevance to animal welfare, with application in the United States (USA). Applicants must be citizens or residents of the United States or Canada.
Applicants may be independent researchers or a part of any of the following:
- Public or private academic institutions
- Other research institutions whether public or private
- Animal welfare organizations, human service organizations, etc.
- Government agencies
Applicants may hold any role in their institutions/organizations--including, but not limited to, academic faculty, research scientists, research scholars, and graduate or undergraduate students working on mentored research projects.
Applicants may be successfully funded by the program only once per calendar year as the primary author with funds being directly dispersed to the publisher.
- Amount: Up to $5,000 per article
- RSO Internal Deadline (full application): Ongoing Submissions
For more information, please contact Chantal Lemire.
Alberta Innovates Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) Grants
The Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) program leverages the research industry partnerships programs offered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Stream II is for applicants from Alberta Universities who are applying to, or have already been awarded, NSERC Alliance or NSERC Alliance Quantum grants. CASBE aims to facilitate Alberta small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to adopt emerging technologies in Alberta’s research and commercialization priorities to diversify their technological services and/or products with the support of post-secondary institutions.
Individual proposals can request at least $20,000 and up to $150,000 per year from Alberta Innovates and at least $20,000 per year from NSERC. The maximum length of the CASBE funds will be 2 years regardless of the original length of the project supported by NSERC, which could be 1-5 years. There must be at least one Alberta SME included as a partner, and industry partner(s) are expected to provide cash and in-kind contributions.
This is a continuous intake program. Alberta Innovates and NSERC recommend that the applicant applies first to the CASBE program and then, if recommended, submit the completed AI CASBE NSERC joint application to NSERC for funding consideration. Researchers who have received Alliance or Alliance Quantum awards in the previous 12 months are eligible to eligible to apply to the CASBE program.
RSO has created flowcharts for the application submission process, a list of required attachments for CASBE, and a sample CASBE budget. These resources are available online using the following link:
- Amount: $20,000-$150,000 per year (Alberta Innovates portion); max. 2 years
- UCVM Internal Deadline (full application): at least 6 business days before submission to Alberta Innovates
For more information, please contact Katie Cupello.
Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation officials are preparing for a smooth transition between the current Canadian Agricultural Partnership and the new Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership with programs now accepting applications.
Programs under Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership will continue to be available to farmers, ranchers, agri-processors, agri-businesses, industry associations and groups, post-secondary institutions, research organizations and agricultural municipalities.
S-CAP funds are available through RDAR's Accelerating Agricultural Innovations program.
Found Animals offers Michelson Grants of up to $750,000 USD for research in pursuit of a single-dose, permanent, nonsurgical sterilization method for dogs and cats. To qualify for a Michelson Grant, a proposed project must pursue a technology, mechanism, or pathway representing an innovative approach to nonsurgical spay/neuter. The first step to apply for a Michelson Grant is submission of a brief letter of intent.
The Michelson Prize is an incentivized prize challenge that will award $25 million to the first entity to provide Found Animals with a low-cost, permanent, nonsurgical sterilant for companion animals.
To address critical animal health issues and underfunded areas of research, our grant opportunities have increased both in number and scope.
Check web site for Request for Proposals calendar. NOTE: Allow 6 business days in advance of the MAF deadline for internal approvals.
Summary of Current Opportunities:
Wildlife Health: Any relevant wildlife health topic
MAF Deadline: August 14, 2024 (UCVM internal deadline: noon on Aug 7)
Equid Health: Any relevant equid health topic
MAF Deadline: June 19, 2024 (UCVM internal deadline: noon on June 14)
Feline Health - Any relevant feline health topic
MAF Deadline: October 2, 2024 (UCVM internal deadline: noon on September 24)
Canine Osteosarcoma
- Application period open September 4 — November 13 (UCVM deadline: noon on November 4)
- For Established Investigator, Pilot Study, First Award Applicants only
- Topics are limited to canine osteosarcoma, with preference for furthering therapeutics.
To explore research opportunities using GRLS data, including genetic information, visit our Data Commons database.
Applications are submitted through the Research Management System (RMS). A link to RMS can be found here which includes training resources. Please note, when the RMS record is submitted to Research Services by the internal deadline, it should contain all the relevant Department and Faculty approvals. If you submit your RMS record to Research Services after the internal deadline has passed, you will need to secure additional late approvals from your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) and the Executive Director, Research Services.
Schedule RMS Training before your application is due
The RMS team is pleased to offer regular training sessions for RMS (Research Management System). Proactive training in RMS is encouraged, particularly in advance of the Fall grant season. Training is open to new users and existing users looking for a refresher:
How to create an LOI/Application:
- Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 am – 11:30 am
- Every Thursday, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Approver training:
- By request
Email to schedule training for yourself or your team.
What is RMS?
RMS (Research Management System) manages the pre-award (LOI and Application) and post-award stages for research grants. Throughout the grants life-cycle, RMS interfaces with other UCalgary systems, such as IRISS and PeopleSoft, to provide a seamless process for grants and awards management, eliminate re-keying of data and heightened transparency into the status of applications at any time.
Learn more about RMS at
For more information on these and other Funding Opportunities, please visit our Research Opportunities Database.
PostDoc Funding Opportunities
Updated February 4, 2025
2024 Mitacs Accelerate Rolling Deadline
- Amount: $60,000/year of matched funding for up to 3 years
- Internal Deadline: rolling
2025 Cancer Research Institute (CRI) - Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Amount: $74,000 with increases up to 78,000 (over 3 years) & $5,000 Research Allowance (yearly)
- Internal Deadline: February 21 & August 21, 2025
Eligibility: Project must be hypothesis-driven in basic or translational cancer immunology or immunology. The applicant should make every effort to demonstrate the potential of the proposed study to directly impact our understanding of the immune system’s role in cancer by leveraging the use of innovative technologies and/or computational methods including high throughput “omic” methods and data analyses. A successful proposal will include how the project intends to address the current gaps in cancer immunology.
2025 Cancer Research Institute (CRI) - Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Amount: $74,000 with increases up to 78,000 (over 3 years) & $5,000 Research Allowance (yearly)
- Internal Deadline: February 21 & August 21, 2025
- Eligibility: Applicants for the CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology. An eligible project must fall into the broad field of immunology with relevance to solving the cancer problem.
Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation - Fellowship
- Amount: $ 60,000 (1 year)
- Internal Deadline: March 13, 2025
- Eligibility: High priority is given to projects that concern fetal development, but any studies that involve original research in fetal or neonatal medicine will be considered. However, purely epidemiological research or clinical trials will not be considered.
For more information on these and other Funding Opportunities, please visit UCalgary’s Research Opportunities Database.
UCVM Internal Funding Calls
Updated February 4, 2025
UCVM Veterinary Education Research Fund (VERF) - The purpose of the UCVM VERF is to support original research in the area of veterinary education in UCVM, along with its partners in the Distributed Veterinary Learning Community (DVLC). Collaborative research projects between UCVM faculty and DVLC partners are encouraged. Applications must be submitted as a single pdf which should include the application form with appropriate signatures and required attachments to by noon on Monday, April 7, 2025. Guidelines and application form attached.
Value: $10,000 (maximum per project)
Duration: 2 years (maximum term)