Show Jumpers
In 2011 the physical condition of healthy warmblood show jumpers was evaluated. The study was made up of an over fences component and a standardized exercise test (SET) performed on a flat track. ECG recordings of the horse’s heart rate and electrical activity were continuously measured before, during and after exercise and blood samples were taken pre and post exercise. Comparisons in cardiac function and metabolic parameters (blood lactate, packed cell volume, total protein) were made between two groups of horses; those competing as lower level jumpers and those competing as higher level jumpers.
V170 and V200, the speed at which the horse is moving in m/s when their heart rate is 170 and 200 bpm respectively, was determined using the speed of the SET and the slope of the heart rate. This is useful for classifying and comparing fitness levels of a horse throughout a competitive season and also for comparing fitness levels between other horses.
VLa4, the speed at which their lactate levels increased to 4 mmol/L was calculated using the lactate speed curve. There were no significant differences between any of the variables (mean HR, mean LA, mean speed, mean PCV, mean TP, V170, V200, VLa4) over fences or during the SET between the two groups. However higher level show jumpers showed elevated lactate levels in the SET compared to lower level show jumpers. ECG analysis is still underway and conclusions regarding electrical activity have not yet been determined.