

Inside your swag bag you will find a pencil case with a wrapping that requires parental/guardian supervision to open. If you have your parent/guardian present, or you have permission from them, you can go ahead and open the pack to see what is inside. 

Surgical instruments

To practice suturing, you will need a few items from your swag bag.

1. Suture pad with preloaded suture - please practice tying your surgical knots with the preloaded suture first. IF you have parental/guardian permission you can use the suture packs to practice using the suture needle to drive the suture through the pad and then tie the surgical knot. 

2. Needle Drivers

3. Forceps (thumb forceps AND tissue forceps)

4. Scissors

5. 2 Suture Packs

Please reference the image above!


Suturing is a means of stitching up a wound with suture material. This is a very important skill in veterinary medicine, especially for surgery! In this video you will learn how to handle surgical instruments and how to complete a simple interrupted and simple continuous suture pattern!

Quiz time

Quiz Yourself!

Congratulations! You have made it through all the equine day online content! 

Click this button to a Kahoot quiz to test and solidify the knowledge that you have learned today! 

Good Luck! 

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