Nigel Caulkett


Full Member

Clinical and Translational Research Group

Associate Member

Pain and Animal Welfare Research Group

Associate Member

Wildlife Health & Ecology Research Group

DVM, MVetSc. Diplomate ACVA

Contact information


Office : CSB112C

Research and teaching

Research Interests

  • Clinical Science
  • Production Animal Health
  • Wildlife and Zoo Medicine


Dr. Caulkett completed his DVM at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 1989. Soon after graduation he worked on a project in the Northwest Territories, performing semen analysis on wood bison. Dr. Caulkett spent a year in mixed practice in St Paul Alberta and returned to WCVM in 1990 to start a residency in veterinary anesthesiology. Dr. Caulkett’s MVetSc research focused on xylazine epidural analgesia in cattle. After completion of his residency Dr. Caulkett remained at WCVM in a clinical position for 1 year. Dr. Caulkett started on faculty at WCVM in 1994 and received board certification in the same year. Much of Dr. Caulkett’s research has focused on the development of safe capture and handling techniques in free ranging wildlife, and the development and evaluation of analgesic techniques in farm animals.