Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
The UCVM Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is an excellent opportunity without the pressures of graduate school!
Undergraduate Students:
Summer Research Opportunities with UCVM Faculty Members.
Some UCVM Faculty Members may have positions available that are not posted at the link above. Students are welcome to directly contact any Faculty Member whose research is of interest. Information on research conducted by UCVM Faculty, grouped by research area, can be found here.
UCVM Faculty:
Forms for UCVM Faculty Members to advertise available Summer Undergraduate Research Student Positions. UCVM Faculty Members may also post positions on the University of Calgary Research Services Undergraduate Research webpage.
Once you have found a potential supervisor, be sure to discuss the conditions of your position. Some important questions to ask:
- What is the subject of my project and what type of work does it entail?
- What are the start and/or end dates of employment?
- How much will I be paid? What are my expected work hours per week?
- Can I take any vacation time?
- What can I do to prepare for my research experience?
- How often will I meet with you to review my progress?
- What other activities at UCVM can I participate in to supplement my research experience?
- Where can I apply for external funding?
Once you and your proposed supervisor have reached an agreement, it is highly recommended that you ask that the conditions are outlined in a document for your records.
Determine if you will need to apply for external funding or if your supervisor has funding already in place. Even if your supervisor indicates that he or she has funding in place for you, receiving an Undergraduate Research Award is a great achievement to add to your resume!
All summer students working with UCVM Supervisors will be required to register in the SURE Program. You can register for the SURE Program by filling out the SURE Registration Form and submitting it to Erin Fraser in the Emerging Scholars Office by April XX, 2025. For more information on the events hosted by the SURE Program, as well as additional training available to all summer students, please visit the Events section below.
Please direct all questions regarding undergraduate research in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to Erin Fraser
SURE Events
More details are distributed to registered SURE students at a later date.
The Lab Skills Workshop will be handled by Paul Gajda and his team and will be geared towards the laboratory novice or students who have not done wet lab work in some time and need a refresher. Students will learn the correct way to handle lab equipment such as micropipettes, plate readers, Bunsen burners, centrifuges, biological safety cabinets, analytical balances, microscopes, etc. and will learn proper techniques for solution making, keeping laboratory notebooks, etc. Students who are already comfortable with these lab techniques or will not be doing any wet lab work this summer, are not required to attend.
More details distributed to registered SURE students at a later date.