Give to UCVM

Start something by giving

Support lasting, positive change to the interplay of the health of animals, people and the environment

For over 10 years, the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) has worked to support a shortage of veterinarians serving rural Alberta. Our research, graduate education and clinical training programs advance animal and human health — where innovation meets community.

As an internationally recognized provider of high-quality veterinary education, we are an acknowledged leader in comparative biomedical, veterinary and population health research.

Conducting research that addresses issues of importance to our animal industries at the interface of animal and human health, we are creating a new generation of veterinarians.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Sarah Parker

Support the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Through your annual giving to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, you can spark meaningful change in the areas that matter to you. Whether you give to one of the school’s identified priorities or to a fund that is personally meaningful, your gift will provide UCVM students with transformative experiences they will carry with them for life.


Bovine Health Fund

The Bovine Health Fund supports bovine education, clinical and diagnostic activities, and research efforts within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The cattle industry has long been an essential part of Alberta’s history, identity, and economy. Since launching in 2005, UCVM has emerged as a leader in cattle health and welfare expertise. We have recruited an exceptional team of researchers and clinicians, and created a Cattle Health Research Group as well as a prion research group. Their work supports the vibrant beef and dairy industries in Alberta through basic and applied research leading to innovative disease prevention and control strategies.

The Anderson-Chisholm family’s gift of W.A. Ranches fundamentally transforms education and research at UCVM. It strengthens UCVM’s position as a place for the brightest academic minds in cattle health and welfare to collaborate in real time with industry to inform practice and develop knowledge and solutions that bolster Alberta’s agri-food sector, now and into the future. 

Support to the UCVM Bovine Health Fund plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of cattle health and welfare. Gifts to the fund are essential to advancing research, and best-in-class teaching and learning leading to new knowledge to better serve Alberta’s cattle industry. By supporting academic studies, and educational, diagnostic, and clinical activities related to cattle, you will directly impact both animal and human health, as well as Alberta’s economy.

companion animal health fund

Companion Animal Health Fund

The Companion Animal Health Fund supports companion animal education, clinical and diagnostic activities, and research efforts within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Pets are important members of our families. They do more than just bring joy to our homes; they play an important role in our families’ mental and physical health and wellness. At UCVM, we recognize and celebrate the important role that pets play in our lives. Through advanced clinical care, education, and research, UCVM is contributing to improving the health and wellbeing of our companion animals.

Support to the UCVM Companion Animal Health Fund plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of companion animal health. Gifts to the fund support research, and best-inclass teaching and learning leading to new knowledge to better serve our community. By supporting academic studies, and educational, diagnostic, and clinical activities related to dogs, cats, and other small pets, you can directly impact both animal and human health.

Equine Health Fund

Equine Health Fund

The Equine Health Fund supports equine education, clinical and diagnostic activities, and research efforts within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

At UCVM, we recognize the important role that horses play as working, performance, and companion animals in our community. UCVM is uniquely situated in a hub of world-class equine sport and is ranked among the top 40 veterinary schools globally. We have strong relationships with our exceptional equine community, including partners like Spruce Meadows and the Calgary Stampede, and we are internationally recognized as a centre for equine expertise.

By supporting the UCVM Equine Health fund you play a critical role in advancing our understanding of equine health. Gifts to the fund support research, and best-in-class teaching and learning leading to new knowledge to better serve our equine community. By supporting academic studies, and educational, diagnostic, and clinical activities, you can directly impact both animal and human health.

Indigenous Initiatives Fund

UCVM Indigenous Initiatives Fund

The UCVM Indigenous Initiatives Fund supports initiatives at UCVM that strengthen connections with Indigenous communities around Calgary and across the province, by working together on educational initiatives, curriculum development, and inclusion and support of Indigenous students.

These partnerships contribute to Truth and Reconciliation by allowing UCVM students to broaden their understanding of different cultures and views on animals and animal health, and by facilitating a pathway to veterinary medicine for Indigenous youth. Your gift will support educational opportunities for both UCVM students and Indigenous youth, community clinics, Indigenous advisory councils, and walking parallel paths towards animal and ecosystem health.  


Wildlife Health Fund

The Wildlife Health Fund supports wildlife education, clinical and diagnostic activities, and research efforts within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Canada is world-renowned for its rugged wilderness and the animals who call it home. Our magnificent mountain ranges and vast prairie landscapes provide habitats for an abundance
of different wildlife populations. UCVM has an in-house team of passionate researchers with unique expertise in wildlife health. Adopting an ecological and systems-based approach,
their field research seeks to better understand wildlife health, ecology, and ecotoxicology to improve health outcomes and prevent disease within our wildlife and adjacent domestic animal populations.

Support to the UCVM Wildlife Health Fund plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of wildlife health, ecology, and conservation. Gifts to the fund will support research, and bestin-class teaching and learning leading to new knowledge to better serve our community. By supporting academic studies, and educational, diagnostic, and clinical activities related to wildlife health, you can directly impact both animal and human health.

Animal Body Donation Program

Helping to train future veterinarians

Gifting your pet’s body to UCVM is one way to ensure the life of your pet has a lasting impact. We understand this can be a hard decision to make at a very difficult time. Your pet’s body will be respectfully used to teach various skills, techniques and anatomy to future veterinarians. This experience is vital to the education of our veterinary students. By helping to train veterinarians, you and your pet will be helping animals in the future.

We accept two general categories, companion animals (dogs, cats, rabbits) and large animals (horses, cattle, sheep).  

If you decide to donate your companion animal’s body, you can either email us directly ( or ask your veterinary clinic of choice, as a scheduled pick-up will be organized.

If you decide to donate your large animal’s body please email us so we can coordinate internal resources and space. These are done on a case-by-case basis and require the donor to contact us directly.

We do not provide tax credits at this time.

There is no opportunity to receive ashes back after use. Cremation of your pet’s body through a general cremation stream will occur after use.

There is no opportunity to receive a post-mortem report at this time.

We only accept donations within the Calgary region.


2024 Postdoctoral Innovation Fellowship recipients announced

Annual fellowships recognize 8 postdoctoral scholars who have attained high innovation impact, helping drive UCalgary’s culture of entrepreneurship and social impact

Vet med brings 10 days of education and fun to Calgary Stampede

Students showcase veterinary medicine to thousands at Stampede with interactive booth

What the wild horse microbiome can teach us about health and longevity

Groundbreaking Faculty of Veterinary Medicine research uncovers life-sustaining microbiome secrets in feral horses

Vet med researchers continue important work with Stampede on animal safety

News media tour W.A. Ranches before 'largest outdoor rodeo' to learn more about ongoing research projects

UCalgary research into reindeer antlers could help unlock secret of human limb regeneration

Study is one of six UCalgary projects receiving New Frontiers in Research Fund grants

Veterinary students transform lives working with rescued animals

Rotations with Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society combine academic learning and practical application for fourth-year UCalgary students