March 8, 2019
Antimicrobial resistance and quantum technology dream teams receive $12M in research funding

Two University of Calgary-led research teams have been successful in this grant competition.
The Major Innovation Fund supports research and innovation investments to attract and retain top talent that will support industries and local businesses. Two University of Calgary-led research teams in the areas of antimicrobial resistance and quantum technologies have been successful in this Government of Alberta grant competition. A third project, Centre for Autonomous Systems in Strengthening Future Communities, led by the University of Alberta (with UCalgary co-applicants) was also funded.
These projects will secure and strengthen Alberta's competitive position in research and technology development, while attracting talent and additional investment by highlighting unique-to-Alberta initiatives.
“These collaborative teams are doing phenomenal work, and they are maximizing the capacity that exists across UCalgary and other Alberta institutions,” says Dr. Andre Buret, interim vice-president (research). “This investment from the Government of Alberta will provide teams with the opportunity to make a significant impact in our province.”
For this grant, lead institutions had to assemble teams including members from the other eligible universities and at least two colleges or technical institutes located in Alberta, to build research excellence and innovative capacity in targeted areas.
Collaboration was further encouraged to extend to research institutes and centres, such as the Alberta Centre for Advanced MNT Products and TECTERRA, as well as national and international entities, to identify and promote integrated projects with the potential for greater impact.
UCalgary is leading the following two teams:
Antimicrobial Resistance – One Health Consortium
Project lead: Dr. Herman Barkema, DVM, PhD, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Antimicrobial resistance not only affects humans; it is also a complex issue with huge implications across the interface of human, animal and environmental health.
The Antimicrobial Resistance – One Health Consortium includes expertise within medicine, veterinary medicine, public health, biological sciences, environmental sciences, agriculture, economics, communication, public policy and law — providing a highly collaborative and comprehensive transdisciplinary approach for translating highly integrated and novel research into evidence-based policy and improved health outcomes.
(Partnering institutions: University of Alberta, University of Lethbridge, Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, Olds College, Lakeland College, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Alberta Health Services, and Public Health Laboratories).
Quantum Technologies
Project lead: Dr. Barry Sanders, PhD, Faculty of Science
This team of researchers is working toward establishing Alberta as a hub for quantum technologies by integrating the province’s internationally recognized academic excellence, partnerships and industry engagement. Quantum technology innovations, such as the laser and transistor, transformed 20th century society and present an opportunity to transform the 21st century by delivering exquisitely sensitive sensing, secure communication and quantum computing. The aim is not just to develop made-in-Alberta quantum technology but to also co-develop this technology with Alberta end users. These will include medical and geological exploration companies for quantum sensing, to telecommunication firms and municipal and provincial governments for quantum-secure communication, to Alberta biologists and chemists for quantum computing.
(Partnering institutions: University of Alberta, University of Lethbridge, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, and Northern Alberta Institute of Technology).