Winston Zyluk
It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of my dear friend, Winston Zyluk, on October 4, 2024. For those familiar with my story “Oh Gloria,” you might recall that Winston and I didn’t start off as friends. In fact, we were quite the adversaries. Our paths crossed when I sought refuge in Winston’s home, chased by a pack of coyotes. Initially, Winston saw me as a threat, but after a mishap at a dam, we realized our differences were trivial and soon became close companions.
Winston was a feral cat, and it took years for him to feel at ease in our home. Over time, he grew to trust my family, as well as Victoria and Samantha. He took on the role of a guard cat, always rushing to the door to inspect visitors. When Victoria and Samantha returned from their outings, Winston would eagerly jump onto the greeting chair by the front door to receive their hugs.
In the evenings, he joined Victoria and Samantha for a family thanksgiving before Samantha went to bed. Winston would then settle into her chair, keeping Victoria company. Each morning, he waited outside the bedroom, never entering without an invitation. As Victoria woke up, he would greet her and lead her downstairs to her chair, where she enjoyed her morning coffee. Winston had a heart in his markings as can be seen in the photograph above. I, Gloria, can say that he wore his heart on his coat, but I also know that he had a big heart inside. We love you Winnie.
Winston’s passing brought many tears from both humans and goats alike. He was deeply loved and will be sorely missed.