July 10, 2023
New course feedback questions for students on the way

After decades of the Universal Student Ratings of Instruction, course feedback surveys are being re-designed to look — and read — differently. Earlier this year, it was announced the course feedback surveys would move to a new platform to better facilitate the important tool for all students to provide feedback on their courses. Now, the core questions that are asked in every survey will also be refreshed.
In April 2022, General Faculties Council (GFC) approved a report that provides 43 recommendations for updating the system, including revising the institutional questions. Over the past six months, the Course Feedback Implementation Working Group (CFIWG) has been consulting on what these questions should be to garner the most helpful feedback from students themselves.
“Through this work, the University of Calgary is making an intentional decision to do something different with our course feedback system,” says Dr. Leslie Reid, vice-provost, teaching and learning. “From changing the technology we use to refreshing the core institutional questions, these updates will help us make meaningful enhancements to the quality of teaching at our university.”
Campus community members are invited to share their thoughts about the new questions before Sept. 12. CFIWG make any final revisions to the question before they move through the university governance process for approval. The questions will be piloted with a cohort of students in 2024 before being fully implemented.
“The new core questions aim to be more intentional and conscious in asking students to reflect on their educational requirements. Much thought was put into ensuring these questions are inclusive to all disciplines across campus. These questions will be consequential for students, as they directly impact the quality of their learning experiences at UCalgary,” says Sandra Amin, Students’ Union VP academic and member of CFIWG.
Give your thoughts on the new course feedback questions before Sept. 12. Find out more about the changes to course feedback surveys here.